I know how to wean off a medicine. I've had to do it with over 20 different kinds of meds. I may be understating but over the past 7 years I have tried more meds than I can remember. These kind that I am taking have nothing to do with depression. I'm only talking about the anti hallucination medicine. I'll gladly take all my other meds. Not that they help much.
If they aren't helping much, then you aren't getting the treatment you need. It may mean a higher dosage, but again, I believe that is just avoiding the issue and masking it.
I am not a qualified person, but talking-based therapy, whilst taking longer to yield effects most of the time, is effective for many people.
If you go through the therapy and help just one problem, it will be worth it. You will be able to line and deal with the fine line between reality and delusion. You may come to the conclusion you were not suffering from hallucinations in the first place.
If I went to a psychiatrist and explained some of the things i Have seen and believe, they would put me on meds. My life is not negatively effected by my experiences and so I don't need to.
If I went to a therapist I would ask around for one who had dealt with my type before. Especially since magick and the mind are so closely link together. My life is magick. It would be impossible to relate to an atheist who could not possibly comprehend my practices, my life. As my life effects my magick, my magick effects my life.
I doubt all of my visions and spiritual experiences, I accept none of them as conclusive proof, only experiences. But I don't feel I suffer from delusions or hallucinations, I also think one shouldn't care as long as these hallucinations are not harming your life in any way, or holding you back....if it ain't a problem, don't fix it.
Thank you for your input hadit. I will try to find a proper therapist. Though to be honest I don't have as much to talk about as I used to back when I was in therapy. I know what's wrong and I can't fix it myself. I have no reason that I can see as to why I feel this way other than a chemical imbalance. The only things I consider an issue about my mental health is my mood.
Chemical inbalance is a hard topic within psychology- changing the way you think can change some of the chemicals released, however, it is debated how much of an effect this truly has.
You know what is best for you, and I am sure you will make the decision best suited for your needs.
Well there is another true method that cures depression permanently without medicine. That is if your willing to go to Mexico to get a hole in your skull.
I might do that.....