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Re: Question
Post # 11
kts is right. And with out a ban appeal process it simply trying to state ALL moderators are perfect and have perfect judgement. I've seen moderators delete stuff and never put up who deleted it or why or if any one else know or talk to the person about it already. There needs to be some means. Even if it's a forum only moderators and banned people can see.
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Re: Question
Post # 12
People get banned for a reason. If you had friends on this site, they could convey messages for you. Moderators delete things for a reason, if you want to know why, then post a new thread about it but DON'T SPAM. I've only seen a similar board for appeals, that was in a lame game I played around 4 years back, called hobowars or something close to that name..
Oh, I also saw an appeal function in runescape cause I kept swearing at kids.
I'm not entirely sure we actually need one here...
I mean, terrorists get jailed for a reason, you wouldn't want them to blow up another twin towers, right?
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Re: Question
Post # 13
LOL there will never be another twin towers!
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Re: Question
Post # 14
That's true I guess.. maybe Pentagon Towers? I mean, 5 can't be taken out all at once.. right..?
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Re: Question
Post # 15
The Pentagon is military, they were going for the economy. By hitting twin towers they weren't simply attacking America, hitting the Pentagon they would be.
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