Spirits are a matter of belief, not fact. Magic is not necessarily connected with supernatural entities; some people choose to incorporate the two with their own practice and tradition.
Magic is affecting change in accordance with one's will. A chemical peel, for example, can be seen as such. It is the use of the substance to cause the change to one's complexion. But there is also the non-physical side of magic. There are many correspondences between certain rituals and practices, and emotional effects on people. Meditation, for example, can have a drastic effect for some.
The use of meditation, deliberate behavioral observation, mantras, affirmations, etc., can change a person from having a severe anger issue to having a much more even temper, and reacting well even to adverse and troubling situations. That is magic -- even though many would not call it as much.
There are also many belief-based claims about magic -- from sending messages via the astral plane, to personal experiences with gods or spirits, and much more. But none of those things will change you physically.
Well, magick is defined different ways [some would say how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly is magick] what you're referring to is spell casting magick. This is seen as a neutral energy found in nature. There is energy all around us and spells are cast to effect the energy and bring the desired change.
Casting a love spell won't make the person come over to you in a trance and ask you out, but it will put you in situations where you can talk to the person, and/or the person will notice you more and favour you in some way.
Beauty spells are a hit and miss situation. Many beauty spells combine natural herbs and the natural energy to create the change. Example, you make an exfoliating scrub with brown sugar, olive oil, and maybe some peppermint. You then charge energy into this scrub, and when you apply it you chant something like 'Goddess Aphrodite, Grant me beautiful skin' visualizing yourself with soft radiant skin. The next day people start noticing your skin and complimenting you on it. It was the scrub you made and science can explain why it worked, but it is believed the energy and chant made it work faster.
No spell works instantly, and it does not make drama if physical changes. Spells are the belief we can charge an energy and send it out into the universe to help us achieve our goals. We need to put in the effort. Spells help to motivate, speed results, and open up new opportunities to help us in life.
I agree to an extent with both comments made, but according to both of your statements you have placed a limitation on magic as a whole.. Now I personally have not achieved my goal in magic by any means.. But I do know that spirits whether referring to angels, demons, nature, whatever the case.. are apart of an affiliates of magic depending on which route one chooses to go.. Now also working with ones belief, can make the utmost happen.. Also people that have the gift a power to heal, I do not know what books or where you have learned what you have learned but not all magic is placed in a book.. That is what I'm searching for. Also for example if someone were doing ill will to me with magic there is a way most definitely to counteract what is being done.. I won't go into details but clearly our views on magic differ.. I'm sure you have not practiced, or studied every magic there is. So my search continues.. Thank you,
It is true no one knows everything and what I'm sharing is my understanding, you should still seek out your answer, I'm just trying to pass on what I have learned over my years of practice and study. Good luck to you.