Locked Threads (fluff)

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Re: Locked Threads (fluff)
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11

I am the one who locked those threads, and in at least one of them I explained clearly why it was done. Mods make their calls based on many things, the rules of course being one of them. But we are also looking at threads that have run their course and become simply arguments. People post threads against the use of the term "fluffy" all the time. Posting other such threads, especially when there were already two other threads on the same topic currently active does nothing.

The Site Administrator chooses the Mods here because he trusts us to use our judgement. If we do something of which he does not approve then he lets us know. If I might refer you to rule #1 on this site; " Mods may choose to end topic discussion of non website/magic talk at anytime. " So I was following the site rules that you agreed with in joining this site.

As White Raven said, the Mods do not have to explain their actions to you, but since you asked I have given you your answer.

Re: Locked Threads (fluff)
Post # 12
I would like to thank you all for your replies, especially Lark, Whit3raven, and Brysing who rose to the challenge instead of deleting the post and gagging me. I sincerely applaud that, and thank you all for taking this seriously.

However I feel that we are avoiding the main issue, which is why we should be calling people "fluff." It was pointed out that this site is not supposed to please everyone. I never said that, but the fact is, we should want what's best for everyone, and that is what the rules on this site are supposed to accomplish. Simply reiterating how some people define fluffy here is not solving this problem, even if to you it doesn't mean gay or fat. I have heard it used both ways, and whether you agree with these uses or not, using the term is not preventing roleplay, and it offends people unnecessarily.

Calling people "fluffy" is in fact bullying and it has done nothing to improve relations here or stop people from goofing around in the chat with fantasy topics.

I agree that the fantasy and role playing take a toll on serius magical learning, however if eradicating that were the top priority, then Pet would have deleted the thousands of ridiculous fake spells here that draw roleplayers to the site. (I've heard the dictum about it reawing traffic to the site)

Re: Locked Threads (fluff)
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13

As I said in my post, the issue of using the term "fluffy" has been debated over and over on this site. Please do not turn this thread into another such discussion.

Re: Locked Threads (fluff)
By: / Novice
Post # 14
I've said this before, but I'll say it again, I've only ever heard someone being called 'fluff' when referring to people who claim they're a werewolf/vampire hybrid sense [aka role-playing] the thing about words is their meanings can change. You claim fluffy means to insult gay people. 'Gay' by textbook definition is another word for 'happy' the second it's associated with something else should we ignore the original meaning? I'm not saying we should reclaim the word, but my point is it's the context behind the word. Fluffy can still be insulting, but in the pagan community it has nothing to do with sexuality or body image.

Anyway, some people are rather quick to call someone a fluffy bunny, but perhaps take a step back and look at the person who called Fluffy. Maybe they're not a horrible person, maybe they're tired and this is the tenth time this week they dealt with this person's nonsense, or the hundredth 'I'm a vampire!' Thread and they're at their breaking point. This isn't a role play site, but it is a site for fun and we are all human. Sometimes we get joy out of typing out a 5 paragraph lecture detailing an answer to a question, and sometimes we groan and scream 'not another person who wants to grow wings!' And in that instants they respond accordingly.

It was mentioned how teachers deal with a lot of repetition but can't name call, I can think of a few times in high school and even elementary where teachers called out a student for idiocy. My favourite was probably my history teacher, he kept trying to explain to this girl in the class [stereotypical dumb blond] why natives on reservations couldn't get work and what resulted was this 15 minute look that went

Student: why don't they work at wal-mart.
Teacher: there is none.
Student: well why don't they work at McDonald's.
Teacher: there is none.
Student: well why don't they move?
Teacher: they can't afford to.
Student: well why don't they work at wal-mart?

For 15 minutes, the exact same questions until my teacher [nicest funniest teacher in the school] went red in the face, then took a deep breath and said slowly 'listen you privileged suburban twit, there is nothing for miles. They are trapped in the woods with nothing.' And he walked away. The girl tried to say something but we all yelled at her because we were all sick of it.

Now imagine being a moderator and dealing with this over and over for free. Sometimes locking forums are the best option. Calling someone a Fluffy Bunny is something I see more regular users doing over mods. I think it's a phase, the first couple years my friends and I use to laugh and roll our eyes and go 'oh, Silver Ravenwolf, what a fluffy bunny!' We don't really do that anymore, so I think it's just a phase. You can't really stop people using the term though.

Re: Locked Threads (fluff)
Post # 15
A word which holds many meamings is only a slur given the context for being that slur. Mainly, among magic users, the word 'fluff' will almost never be a slur against large or gay people. If we were to take the original post inits full implication, a Persian cat could no longer be called fluffy for fear of offending someone.

There are so many terms for which this applies.

Some people really do take things too seriously.

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