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Re: I
Post # 11
When you say your dad is critical let me know more so I can deal on that side of the stakes. I'll deal with what he does and Kao and Chaos can deal with Darkked
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Re: I
Post # 12
man i just want to kick that fox for no reason! lol my bad sir prize i cant help it but i agree with variados you may not like his way of life but gods and goddesses allows him to be here whether ya'll like it or not agin life aint supposed to be fair you have to understand this kill him if you must it's thats only way and kao if it must then it must this is what ive been talking about all this time if he cant be changed do what must be done to protect others from harm even at your own life... im talking about luis but that is weird if you love him and yet you don't know his name....
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Re: I
Post # 13
Ok im gonna voice my opinoin because I feel like it. First, I doubt he tried to kill his family. If he did, that doesnt make him a Demon Prince of Hell(fire and shadow ehem), that just makes him crazy. Second, just because your father is going into critical condition doesnt mean that Luis caused it.


Lol ok when I read this I was ROFL. Im sorry but you just make it too funny. Powers(abilities)cant love. Yes some are run off of emotion but that emotion comes from the user. if he's evil then let him be evil. You CANNOT change a person against his will. Thats not only unmoral but its also quite rude. Evil is percieved by ones perspective.

And also what Kao said. If this is fake then this is not only ruining your credibility here but its making us look like fools and wastin our time looking into this matter. Also, could you not post this everywhere. thanks.

Also, the real question is, Does HE want help? Im just asking this for my knowledge. Besides, im like Vari. I wouldnt help him against his will even if I could.
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Re: I
Post # 14
trav131, I never said he's what he is because of his powers or anything else. He just is what he is. And that's been proven to me. And not all demons are from "Hell". And powers are aspects, basically. We all have aspects, or sides of us. If the main aspect can love, then the others can love, too.
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Re: I
Post # 15
"He just is what he is. And that's been proven to me"

How can that be when you guys live in totally different states. Secondly, he didnt prove it to one of us so that part is still left open.

"And not all demons are from "Hell"."

Ah, that depends on a persons perspective of hell. Hell can be the lowest plain of existense where the dead roam. Aka Hades.

"And powers are aspects, basically"

Umm no they arent. Powers(ablilities) are something one gains through hard work. It can be the ability to jump higher because that perosn has practiced that ability until he exhausted himself.

"We all have aspects, or sides of us. If the main aspect can love, then the others can love, too."

Do you even know what aspects mean. It means the same as perspective which doesnt fit into out conversation. Now, I dont know if people have different sides to them or not. Im not different people. Im Travis. But bi-polar people when activated have to different sides. But their sies display oppisite emotions. I have a couple of bi-polar people. SOmetimes they are happy and giddy and then next moment they are angry and ready to fight people just for fun.

What im trying to say is that we dont know the full situation. So we arent just going to automatically believe you. If we can we will do a thurough investigation of this matter. and we will let you know what we turn up with.
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Re: I
Post # 16
I support Trav...^_^
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Re: I
Post # 17
so i cant kill no one huh?
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Re: I
Post # 18
You can kill, but that does not mean you should.
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Re: I
Post # 19
come on now wheres you desparing spirit you were showing meow then what is purple magic for and death magic at that one why the helll were they created for then? it would be pointless to learn spells that kill and then don't use them.
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Re: I
Post # 20
Not really.. I never say you can't, I said you shouldn't.. O_O thought this situation since like a game.. and it is quite boring and predictable.
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