Fluffs and learning

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Re: Fluffs and learning
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11

Sidestepper, it has already been explained to you several times as to why there are fantasy spells on this site that will never work. It isn't because the Site Owner, Petrarca, posts them. It is because even those who don't yet understand what magic can and cannot do post them to the website.

As has also been explained to you before, the spells are permitted to remain because they draw traffice to the site, which is what pays for this site to exist. Once people are drawn to the site it is to be hoped that they will learn about real magic is all about from those here who do understand and practice it.

Re: Fluffs and learning
Post # 12
"Sidestepper, it has already been explained to you several times as to why there are fantasy spells on this site that will never work. It isn't because the Site Owner, Petrarca, posts them. It is because even those who don't yet understand what magic can and cannot do post them to the website."

Sorry Lark.
I was going from what I saw when I clicked on Petrarca's history.
Unless you are saying that when other people post a spell they go to Petrarca's History tab?

see here:


Screen shot here:


Re: Fluffs and learning
Post # 13
Maybe I am confused how the history tab works... Can someone please tell me if I am using it correctly. Do other people see spells posted on Petrarca's history tab? Wouldn't you assume they are his?

Now I am all confused.

Re: Fluffs and learning
Post # 14
You are confused.

Most informational and entertainment websites with profiles show the up-most recent history and other content that is of importance. Every member who has posted a spell or in the forums on this website has a history. You must be a council member or higher in a coven to add a spell.

Here is an explanation I found on your little confusion with Petrarca:


This isn't uncommon for admins and web designers to do so especially when it comes to backing up websites or errors that may lead to the possible lost of data. It also should not be a problem with copyright either due to it becoming part of the property of the website too depending on what the Terms of Use states.

Re: Fluffs and learning
Post # 15
Oh, I see. So even though it says that he is that author, he isn't. Simply because he had to fix some things due to technically issues with the site.

I can see how that would be confusing.

Re: Fluffs and learning
Post # 16
Sidestepper, get to your point.

If you are trying to say that Petrarca believes those spells will work because he posted them, then you are mistaken.

It has already been said -- and quite repeatedly -- that fantasy and trick spells are allowed to remain (and now, as you see, possibly some posted deliberately) to draw traffic to the site.

I'm really not sure how that confuses you.

Re: Fluffs and learning
Post # 17
"Sidestepper, get to your point.

If you are trying to say that Petrarca believes those spells will work because he posted them, then you are mistaken.

It has already been said -- and quite repeatedly -- that fantasy and trick spells are allowed to remain (and now, as you see, possibly some posted deliberately) to draw traffic to the site.

I'm really not sure how that confuses you.

I did not know until now that his history is like that because of an issue with the site allocating user data correctly.

I just wrote that before you posted your post.

Logic dictates that if he did not post them, then any connection between the posts and him are null and void.

Any point that could have been made is thus made invalid and ignored.


Re: Fluffs and learning
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 18
A Fluff is not some member who knows nothing. It is a member who refuses to learn!
When I was a very young boy, my witch teacher told me to write this is my notebook:-
He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not. Shun him!
He who knows not, and knows that he knows not. Teach him!
He who knows, and knows that he knows, follow him!

Re: Fluffs and learning
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 19

I believe that this post has run its useful course.

But let me end this by saying that I agree with MoonFlower18 in that knowledgeable members should be trying to help those that are new to magic. I remember well how terribly I wanted someone to share with me what they knew and set me on the right path. If you don't feel like answering the same question for the hundredth time, then don't.

There is a huge difference between Newbies and Fluffies and it is the confusion of the two terms that ends up leaving some people with hurt feelings.

A Newbie is someone who has just discovered magic. Maybe they did learn about it from "Harry Potter" or from "Charmed" and think that the Hollywood version of magic is real. But given the opportunity and the resources to learn better they can grow into knowledgeable magic users over time. OK, maybe they do think that they can turn into a vampire or a mermaid. So what. There are ways of correcting this misapprehension politely and to steer them in the right direction. Or, if the question makes you scream, just don't respond. As Thumper said to Bambi; "If you can't say nothing nice, don't say nothing at all."

A true "Fluffy" on the other hand is one who refuses to learn even when all of the resources and knowledge is handed to them. They aren't interested in learning real magic. They want to live in the fantasy world where magic is like something in a Hollywood movie. You can't teach them because their minds are already shut to your knowledge. A Fluffy may or may not be new. They may or may not be a yound teen (I've seen plenty of adults here who would fall into that category). The best thing to do with a real Fluffy is to ignore them because you cannot help them and you'll only frustrate yourself.

People are entitled to their beliefs even if those beliefs are incorrect. Offer good information and advice to the contrary..certainly. But if they refuse to listen then just end the discussion. There is no need to stoop to name-calling and derision

In any case, treating other members with respect is just plain good manners.

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