HotM: Bay Leaves

CovenNatural Magick ► HotM: Bay Leaves
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Re: HotM: Bay Leaves
By: / Novice
Post # 11

I may get some bayleaf oil to message my husbands shoulders after work. He works in a factory and he comes home sore often.

Re: HotM: Bay Leaves
Post # 12
Bay Leaves

Sun Fire Masculine
Use in potions for visions, clairvoyance and wisdom. Place under your pillow to induce prophetic dreams. Carry to ward off evil, and scatter or burn for exorcism. Add to cleansing teas and baths. Scatter on the floor, and then sweep out for protection. The priestesses at Delphi are said to have chewed bay leaves to induce their visions and prophesies.


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