finding the ancient tools

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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 11
i have done it i have located three more of the ancient tools. one is extreamly close to where i live the other two are in alabama and mexico
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Re: finding the ancient t
Post # 12
Any in europe?
Btw why finding them u should try also makign magickal objects,its fun,u develop ur creative side+u r mostly happy what u make!
Trust me with the right things u can do incredible things with makign magickal objects,just some imagination..
Blessed be
Snowy Leopard
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 13
i have made sevral magical items and i use them almost every day i haven't surch europe yet but i will search there soon.
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 14
conserning the thought about the tools energy transfere, i believe that if the energy is transfered to a new vessel the tool should be able to combine to the other ones to make the master tool as long as its able to be grafted on to the other ones or connected to them. the older magicians would have thought that their tools possibiliy could get destroyed therefore they would have made their power transfereable and still be able to be used.
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 15
dynamic you absorbed the power of the tool. therefore you are now one of the tools. somewhere inside you is the power of that object if you can find a way to unlock it you would be able to use the power of it at free will. it shouldent do any harm to you as well since you are now the tool. when they are used they dont do harm to themselves only to the user, well you are the tool now.
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 16
i also have 1 question do you know how many tools there are?
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 17
there are 30 in all yes the othermages and my self thought of the tools geting destroyed and absorbed that. what we feareed the most was that the enamy would get a hold to one and absorb the power and use it to destroy us that is why we made them with the side effects that thay have iand i strongly sugest that you not try to use the power that you absorbed
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 18
if you can give me there names im sure my brother azathain can find them no time flat. he is good like that
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 19
they dont really have surtan names they are usally refered to as what thay do will in the master tools
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 20
if you want one found give me a specific id of the tool and it shall be found
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