
Forums ► Comments ► Offended?

Re: Offended?
Post # 11
Sorry Vari..
Accept my apologies.. please?
They're choc mint cookies! =] ?
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Re: Offended?
Post # 12
apologies accepted with cookies.. -_- if no cookies.. then denied with not second opportunity.
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Re: Offended?
Post # 13
One word: Ouch.
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Re: Offended?
Post # 14

different people have different views.
and different people have different life and choices
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Re: Offended?
Post # 15
Yes, but why does this matter? Unless it's truth, all you believe in is a lie and has no meaning whatsoever, no matter how much you value it.
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Re: Offended?
Post # 16

"Yes, but why does this matter? Unless it's truth, all you believe in is a lie and has no meaning whatsoever, no matter how much you value it." --Jah

Yes that's true,
but if a person values something,
like for example the belief that they do magic its rude to say what their doing is wrong,
and to call it a lie,
even if you have proof that it is wrong,
another example is someone's religion,
its THEIR religion,
its their choice to believe it,
they might even know that its not true that its all one big made up lie,
but they put their faith into it,
and to them it holds more value then anything,
so only if someone is asking to get their religion,
or whatever they believe in criticized (I don't mean like asking "Hey could you do me a favor and tell me everything I believe in is a lie?",
what I mean is by someone putting their faith or religion or belief out in the open for criticism).
But religion isn't the only thing people get into disagreements about,
people all have their own opinions and views on things,
so no matter what topic you chose someone will always disagree on it,
or get offended by it, but Tank, nothing in your post has offended me.
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Re: Offended?
Post # 17
Indeed, it's their choice, but so what if it's rude? Does it truly matter if you offend somebody? It doesn't. Those offended should move on. As much as people value something, that has no effect on how true it is or how meaningful it is. Sure, meaningful to the person, but it is a detrimental meaning if it isn't truth.
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Re: Offended?
Post # 18
"Indeed, it's their choice, but so what if it's rude? Does it truly matter if you offend somebody? It doesn't. Those offended should move on. As much as people value something, that has no effect on how true it is or how meaningful it is. Sure, meaningful to the person, but it is a detrimental meaning if it isn't truth. "-- Jah

Truth to you, might be different to someone else.
To you I guess it truly doesn't matter if you offend someone.
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Re: Offended?
Post # 19
Um... truth and reality are asbolute, some of the only absolute things out there. They are the exact same for everybody, whether you know or acknowledge them or not. It matters to me, depending on the person.
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Re: Offended?
Post # 20
"Um... truth and reality are asbolute, some of the only absolute things out there. They are the exact same for everybody, whether you know or acknowledge them or not. It matters to me, depending on the person."

Um... truth and reality aren't absolute, and they aren't the same for everybody, unless you mean the truth being true, no matter what anybody else believes is true???
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