This... is ANNOYING...

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Re: This... is ANNOYING...
Post # 11
^^Nice one.
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Re: This... is ANNOYING..
Post # 12
Yes, it is fuc*ing annoying especially Christian (sorry for those Christian)... As you know, Christian like to "invite" people to their religion. And yes, they bring down other religion too. I have a Christian friend, he asked me:

hey Lily, do you think that you are wasting money because you pray Buddha? You spent unnecessary money on buying joysticks for the FAKE Buddha?

OH MAN! Its sucks!!!! Don' you all think that he IS a bit of too much?!?!?! I HATE THIS! Shut up your mouth if you don't believe in that things, but PLEASE don't command and talk crap about people religion, learn how to RESPECT and stop being an IDIDOT!
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Re: This... is ANNOYING...
Post # 13
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Re: This... is ANNOYING...
Post # 14
Actually its you dont believe in jesus you go to hell, ...ahem. Im just saying. Me i was brought up into a pretty religious christian home so i cant help but believe but i also am not a zombie idiot. Ive read the bible and i honestly have no respect for god whatsoever, jesus was nice but if you want me to bow and worship you youve better be my every definition of better then me. God does a lot of fkd up sh!it in the bible and the whole thing is completely rated r. I dont get where people get their faith at, or even teach their children such smut, why would i want to be stuck up there with that mess of a deity?

On the other side no other religon really makes me jump at it cause of that fact again, wheres the perfect god at? I havent found one, and you know what i dont give a damn, i dont need some non existent thing to be non existent in my life just so i can thank it for everything that it doesnt do.
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Re: This... is ANNOYING...
Post # 15
rant continued,
Jesus died for ours sins right? So we owe him...? We have to praise him and junk. He gets hurt for a while, he dies, and is reborn, like brand new, we die and go to hell for eternity, suffering way more then he did. Not a fare trade to me, i dont see what a big deal his dyeing was, hell ill die for your sins. People have much worse lives then jesus ever had, just because he had a bad end which was prewritten anyways, we should kiss his feet, or suffer forever? What a retarded concept.

God made up all these elaborate things just to justify punishing us for not being his complete slaves. If he knows all and sees all which he obviously doesnt by the bibles telling, then its all pointless to keep going, unless he feeds off our emotions somehow like a giant leech just keeping us thriving so he can keep his dirty lips around our veins.

Oh, im not trying to hate on christians i just technically being one, maybe, dont understand why they think theyre so goddamn better when how many sick, twisted, evil things have been done in the name of god? I just think people ignore the bad out of selfishness and fear. I dont give a damn, my lifes been hell and id punch god in the face if he ever came down, damn the consequences.
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Re: This... is ANNOYING...
Post # 16
Don't blame the god, blame the worshipper. People wrote the bible (Yes it WAS written by human hands, many dif hands as a matter of fact. and it hs been revised and changed again and again)

People did all the pillaging, distruction and war. All were concieved by the human mind and carried out by humans. Humans are responsible for their own actions, not a god.

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Re: This... is ANNOYING...
Post # 17
I have that smae thought too xenovann.
Why would Jesus be a hero and we be sent to hell for an enternity for the rest of our lives!

Thats just an idiotic excuse to brainwash everyone`s thoughts of him."OH JESUS WILL SENT YOU TO HELL,U FIEND WHO DO NOT BELIEVE OUR LORD!That statement was brought by a young man who accused a friend of mine WHO WAS JUST SAYING HE`S AN ISLAMIC AND HE RESPECTS OTHER RELIGIONS.

First of all,I even thought he was our saviour of the past BUT THOSE FAKE WORSHIPPERS OF JESUS GAVE US TOO MUCH TROUBLE.I respect him much as i respect Buddha,Islam,Christianity and other religions.The only thing that makes me doubt a lot of christianity is OF THEIR STUPIDITY NOT TO USE COMMON SENSES.

I cannot go through this "stupidity" because it just poisons the other religions who did not even disturbed them.

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Re: This... is ANNOYING...
Post # 18
Watch this =D
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Re: This... is ANNOYING...
Post # 19
Yes I know who it was written by I'm not 2. I'm saying I hate the god they've created its just easyer speaking directly about him then going around it. Oh and how about all the verses they use on people to support or shun whatever they like? Lol I love it when they resite their b.s. Puts me right to sleep.
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Re: This... is ANNOYING...
Post # 20
I was raised on a double dose of this B.S., as you call it. You can take the bible and "prove" just about anything you want to with it. Believe me, I know. My grandfather used the bible to condone the abuse, rape, and prostitution of children and women.
I am neither attacking or defending christianity, that is your normal, goodhearted wellmeaning Xtain. It's the Fundamentalists I have a problem with. Fundies seem to attract the lowest level of bottomfeeders who use the bible as an excuse to commit horrors in the name of god.

All I'm saying is it's not the god that is responsible for this. It's these so-called human beings. PEOPLE are the source of this evil. Who needs satan when we have people?
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