Did the Celtic gods die?

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Re: Did the Celtic gods die?
Post # 11

Its a shame that post like this are dead end, and its a shame that this community dwindles. Its odd Isay that, since i do not practice conventional magic, but ive been on this site for long long time, and im lover of celticlore and everyting celtic, it was always alien to me, since i hail from mediteranean and tropical parts of the world... i like that idea of last comment by wizurd, and if you are a realist, that seems most likable, minus unproovenreincarnation theories and stuff like that, and also adding a fact of existance of lower and higher dimensions would greatly expand ones concept of truth and reality...

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Re: Did the Celtic gods die?
Post # 12
Dead? I wouldn't think so, metaphorically maybe, but if they never had a physical body to start with than they exist and have always existed.

Certain religions would say that such things don't exist or are evil due to not lining up with a narrow-minded belief.

Keep an open mind.
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Re: Did the Celtic gods die?
Post # 13
Gods sleep.

We’re about to get into some things, but I would look at the Celtic Sun God and study the History of Celt-Iberians and things. Hannibal Barca and things.
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Re: Did the Celtic gods die?
By: / Beginner
Post # 14
Hello, I know this is a old post but I've recently encountered similar questions. For example, the All Father of the Tuatha dè Danann (druidic race of fairy people) named An Dagda meaning the "Good God". He died of battle wounds by the Queen of the Fomorians who were of a monstrous supernatural race. To be fair, another supernatural being inflicted the fatal wound so I can see why he died. Stories go on to say that he was still able to be communed with at his burial mound. The stories vary but one is that the surviving Tuatha dè Danann were pushed to go live in the Otherworld.

Research of this Otherworld (also called Tir an nOg or the Land of Eternal Youth) says that there are many entrances to this land. One of which is a fairy mound. An Dagda died but still could be communed with at his burial mound, one could say he is in Otherworld.. to begin with he is a being that originated from the Otherworld.. It leaves alot to be speculated. If he's from Otherworld, died and returned to the Otherworld, couldn't he technically just exit that world again?

Nonetheless, the questions it leaves us with make it more interesting. Mystery usually is. I still have alot to research and learn on this Pantheon so pardon any inaccuracies.
Anyone else relate to any of this?

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Re: Did the Celtic gods die?
Post # 15
I do not view these entities as dead. I have had dreams and visions from Cerridwen, having almost no knowledge or work with said entity prior to finding me and seeking me out. I would say that whatever the various pagan entities are they are real, but perhaps not in a way you would anticipate.
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