Is This a Dating Website?

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Re: Is This a Dating Website?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11

It is unfortunate that some people use whatever platform, situation, or plane of existence they are in to make sexual advances on others. It's predictory and a sign of mental illness or extremely ill manners. As stated above there are actions to take if unwanted sexual advances are an issue while on our site. Please remember to save the mail you receive, do not delete the mail that is sent for it is evidence for the admin to look at. Note the time and date if you are sent inappropriate personal messages in the chatter and then contact a moderator or Pet directly. This is so the chat log can be looked at for the evidence needed to handle the situation. Please try not to take these things personal for these things happen to a lot of us and after all my years in the world I honestly don't think it will go away entirely but it can hopefully be made better with how we combat the issues. Blocking works wonders, ignoring does too. Even if you inform us there is no reason for you to engage with the person violating site rules. Remain calm, forward the info along, and then let this bull go <3

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