I need help too

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Re: I need help too
Post # 12
self love is a concept also discussed by Mr Spare... you can look it up in "the book of pleasure"

Eager Learner... step 5 talks of increasing your powers... but... have you mastered (or at least gone as far as you can) with the other steps?

keep in mind... once you have truley alowed your soul to grow and you become all you are truly able to become... then these "powers" come naturaly... spells actually arent necessary at all.

what "powers" are you hoping to gain?
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Re: I need help too
Post # 13
I simply want to be able to cast powerful spells with a greater effect. As you all know when you practise you gain experience which give your spells more of an effect.

The spells I'm looking for just like any other spell will give me this experience and since the spell is for added magickal power (as they put it) it gives me that boost. In time I'll be able to case very powerful spells effectivly and with quicker result faster than if I were just to practise with any other spell.

As for the other tips tip 1-3 I already know, tip 4 still gaining and was hoping to use tip 5 as a foundation for tip 4. Tip 6 comes naturally, Tip 7 common sense, and Tip 8 will do.
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Re: I need help too
Post # 14
Some of the greatest experience's in life happen with time and nurture. Not with instant powerful results.

I understand what you are looking for. But what you aren't seeing is the joy of doing a spell that works wonderfully that YOU did with the energy within and the energy around. That comes with time, knowledge and practice.

You are looking for a quick fix. You want to be at a level that people work for years to achieve. If there are spells like that here, I don't know where they are. But if you should find them and happen to get them to work...you'll be missing out on the simple joys and milestones.
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Re: I need help too
Post # 15
I understand this...I know exactly what you mean. I just thought it be a good way to practise. I hardly ever practise magick because I know I could solve my problems using my own personal power and this is what I strive to do, but there are curtian things that have happend and I need what I guess you can call a quick fix. I'm not going to go into it, but I'm not at that level where I can fix this problem on my own I need in this case effective magick with speedy results hence the spell I'm looking for. Impatiance probubly, ignorence most likely, but I can't afford any mess ups effectiveness is crucial so is time. In any case it's not like my life is in danger I'll forget about the spell and practise other methods...for now.
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Re: I need help too
Post # 16
i seek ultimate power to get evey thing i've whanted and never got as a child... love, a new identity,friends, fun and money to do the things i never got to do or see.. yes im deprived... but thats what i want and know i can't have... i-IM gonna go crazy with dispare right now...
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Re: I need help too
Post # 17
You should be thankful for what you do have. Not crying over what you don't.

Just my two cents.
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Re: I need help too
Post # 18
I'm sorry. I could see how that could lead to your feelings of emptyness, but matieral objects won't fill that void in your heart. The one thing you can do for yourself is learn to let go of the past and allow healing to take place. I know it's easy for me to write, but until you do you will never find true peace in yourself.

People go there whole lives searching for happiness and never find it. Lotto winners who think money is going to bring happiness soon find themselves more miserable than ever and not knowing why they still feel empty even with all the things they have.

You have to look beyond the physical deep inside you to find yourself. Learn that you don't need material objects to be happy because true wealth isn't in money. Money is just paper green paper technicly green cotton with numbers on it. The only true value it has is the value people give it. Otherwise it's just kindling for the fire.

If you truly want to be happy you have to learn to love yourself and step one is learning to let go because you're only causing yourself pain. Forgive those who have hurt you and allow yourself to heal.
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Re: I need help too
Post # 19
This is for all thoughs saying to themselves "why is he giving advice doesn't he want the same thing as she does?"

I know I said I wanted power, but it wasn't to try to help me cope with life. It was for a completly different reason that in this stage of my life I have no control over. I just wanted to make sure the spells I used were as effective and timely as possable. These power enhacing spells made sure of this.

Now that I read my first post I can see why most of you think I'm power hungry. I should of worded it better.
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Re: I need help too
Post # 20
Personally I think we are all power hungry to some exrent,or else why would we continue to learn and grow.Its to become more powerfull.The reasons we seek power may vary,but I think anyone that has ever don a ritual or spell and had it work for them,definately wanted to do more.Just my 2 cnts
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Re: I need help too
Post # 21
I guess that's a positive way to look at it. Though power hungry probubly isn't the best way to describe it. It makes sense.
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