Facts about Vampires and

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Re: Facts about Vampires
Post # 12
Now that is an interesting statement
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Re: Facts about Vampires and
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13
There is also a psychiatric disorder called "Renfield's Syndrome" which applies to those who choose to drink blood as part of their vampiric tendencies. Although the diagnosis does not appear in the DSM-IV, it does exist and is often classified under paraphilias. In the description of Renfield's Syndrome in Wikipedia it says:

"Sufferers of Renfield's Syndrome are overwhelmingly male. The disorder is typically sparked by an event in childhood in which the sufferer associates the sight or taste of blood with excitement. During puberty, the feelings of attraction to blood become sexual in nature.

Renfield's Syndrome typically follows three stages. In the first, autovampirism or autohemophagia, the sufferer drinks his own blood, often cutting himself in order to do so. The second stage is zoophagia, which consists of eating live animals or drinking their blood. Obtaining animal blood from a butcher or slaughterhouse for consumption also falls into this stage.

In the third stage, true vampirism, the sufferer's attention is turned to other human beings. He may steal blood from hospitals or blood banks, or drink blood directly from a living person. Some people with Renfield's Syndrome commit violent crimes, including murder, after entering this stage."
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Re: Facts about Vampires and
Post # 14
I am just curious, does nobody else believe in "pranic vampires" not really a "vampire" as is what is generally believed but rather a person who leaks prana and must steal it from others? Just curious as I believe this is true but obviously do not believe people are "vampires" or "werewolves".
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Re: Facts about Vampires and
By: / Novice
Post # 15
Hopefully people who already possess the knowledge we gathered in this thread wont be the only ones who read it. We need as many new people to know.
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Re: Facts about Vampires and
Post # 16
I really like most of the info hear. Clinical vampire is a diagnoses found in psychology DMS. I'm glad I found this as now I have a place to send people to.
I believe in the Otherkin type people. Many people are spiritually connected to different animals.
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Re: Facts about Vampires and
Post # 17
A few people posted that people stupidly claim to be werewolves and such. To a degree i think your right. Very few people really are werewolves, etc. but a lot of the time its some idiot who thinks they are (ie. i like dogs so i must be a werewolf). People such as myself, though, have evidence of their legitemency.
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Re: Facts about Vampires and
By: / Novice
Post # 18

What kind of evidence could you possibly possess , aside from dreams and delusional states of mentality leading you to believe that you are a werewolf?

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Re: Facts about Vampires and
Post # 19
You are not a werewolf you are a 13 year old boy who is human.
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Re: Facts about Vampires and
Post # 20
Ya I agree with ya I pratice psychic vampireism but truth be told I don't like the name of what I pratice cuz it has the name of a mythical figure in it makeing it seem that my pratice is fluff id change the name but I don't have the right mabey I should reasearch for some kind of diffrent name to call it.
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Re: Facts about Vampires and
Post # 21
I personally don't like the word werewolf. I encourage people to use the term OtherKin wolf. Werewolf implies a person turning into an animal, but otherkin is a human with a connection to or shows animal instincts of a cretin animal. In all honesty, I have found little information on OtherKin wolf that helped me. My child tells me all the time she is a wolf and feels it inside of her and has some of the Farrel actions of a wolf, but I have no good info to tell her and she doesn't understand otherKin yet. Even if she did, the information out there would screw her up. Therapists don't see an issue with it, doctors don't see an issue with it and there is a lot of fluff out there.
I did get a link recently about testing that was done on people that believe they are vamps. I was told it is informative, but I have yet to watch it.
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