finding your element

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Re: finding your element
Post # 111
Yes that is correct I am the same sign and our element is fire x

Re: finding your element
Post # 112
How can you be three zodiac in one body? X

Re: finding your element
Post # 113

For the sake of poor, butchered elementology, I must say your zodiac has nothing to do with your element! Sometimes it is just a coincidence they match.

Here are ways to tell what your element is:-

  • What element do you feel most connected to?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • What is your personality like?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What colors do you wear?
  • Do you like to stay at home or a socialite?
  • How is your relationship with friends?
  • One word to describe you?

You can also find your element through meditation, but it takes a while.

Please message me your answers to these questions, and I will tell you which element is probably for you. I'm usually around 87% accurate, as people have taken this test before.

Also, message me for a 'connecting to the elements' ritual that you can preform, as connecting to the elements enables you to work with them better.

So, for one last time, loud and clear..


Re: finding your element
Post # 114
I often wear black, green, red, or blue. i wear sandals when i don't have to wear tennis shoes, and my favorite color is red and black. what would my element most likely be, cause i figured something like darkness, but i'm not sure.

Re: finding your element
Post # 115
i need help findin my element

Re: finding your element
Post # 116
I'm an Aries, 25 March '82. I'm not much a fan of fire, but instead of air, like wind.

What you think about that? Am I off my kettle? haha.

Re: finding your element
Post # 117
I know that my element is air/wind but I'm not sure what to do beyond that. I daily community with both "spirit of air" and the "air element" and a breeze will start out of nowhere, even inside LOL. (No A/C here.)

Re: finding your element
Post # 118
Also my favorite colors are a dark version of teal blue (like a slate grey/blue?) and a light green (with a blue hue.)

Re: finding your element
Post # 119
Elements are things that cannot be broken Down into smaller things, it's scientific

Re: finding your element
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 120
@Loco your element sounds like it's earth. You like to be in close contact with the ground by wearing sandals. And most of the colors match.

Here is a question for you, if you could choose one or two of these, what would you pick?

Sitting near a fireplace/bondfire. If yes, fire.
Sitting in the grass under a tree. If yes, earth.
Sitting near or in a body of water. If yes, water.
Sitting on a hilltop during a breezy day. If yes, air.

Of course it isn't THAT simple. But this is what I ask people. And they almost always get a grin on their face and pick one with total confidance. Its all about which element calls to you. But as many have said, all elements should be used in magick because they are all apart of nature. But knowing which element relates to you closest will give you an idea of what part of nature will be easiest for you to utilize/work with.

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