the universe

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Re: the universe
Post # 16
I was replying to Sir_Prize's question.
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Re: the universe
Post # 17

how do you think the universe was created?

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Re: the universe
Post # 18
I agree with Ningyou when it comes to the creation of the universe.
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Re: the universe
Post # 19

your information is incorrect because of the fact of the word universe. the prefix uni means "one". you are thinking of the word Galaxy. we live in the Milky Way Galaxy. there is only one universe, or so it is believed.

in my opinion there are an infinte amount of Realms and Planes, but they all exist in the same universe.

as for the creation of the universe i believe that there was an infinitly small point of nothingness, called the singularity. at some point a long long long long long long long time ago, there was no matter in the universe only energy, which existed as light,(remember not all light is visible, i.e. infered, gamma, ect.) that consist of a single "packet" of energy called photons. When a photon gets enough energy it can spontaneously decay into a particle or anti-particle. when one particle comes into contact with an anti-particle, it releases a great amount of energy in the form of light, that can once again decay into anti-particles and particles. the reason that we have mostly only particles is that when the universe first started expanding the ratio of particles to anti-particles was not equal. on a large scale the ratio could have had a difference of just 1.1 to 1.0 (1.1:1).

as most of us know, everything is created by energy in some way....

but hey....that is just my belief of how the universe started...

i dont believe in creation from a higher power. i believe that "God/Goddesses" are just what we, as finite creatures, have decided to call the natural way that the universe balances its self out. if we were to change the meaning of the word "God" to the meaning of the word "Nature" and the meaning of the word "nature" to the meaning of the word "god." would we not still mean the same thing?

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Re: the universe
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 20
How it was explained to me was that the goddess, the creator of all life, was weaving the energy that she created into what we know as the universe. As she layed down to rest from her work she began to dream. Those that she dreamed of where thought forms and they did not have souls. These creatures came to be known as the different gods and goddesses through out man's history. However these beings where worshipped as "gods", they never considered themselves to be anything other than simple thought forms who liked to create. Many even hated being worshipped by man. Then when the goddess woke up from her rest she created the "old ones". These are first beings to have souls. They had magical powers but not the powers to create and were bound by the laws of their kind. After seeing the way that the old ones acted the goddess then created man, a being with a soul but the free will to choose between all aspects of creation.
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Re: the universe
Post # 21
we well never know how this has all started from... all we can do know is speak our minds about it and hope were right... there is nothing that can tell us what really happen. even if we try our best nothing can... if you think about this hard enough then you well think if the laws are really...

i could care less if you think i am wrong... this is how i think.

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Re: the universe
Post # 22
The big bang
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Re: the universe
Post # 23
i think the big bang was the thing that created the universe and the universe is expanding until it neither stops keeps expanding 4 eva or the big crunch this is wot scientists believe
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Re: the universe
Post # 24
Sorry but im putting my first post back on.

One half is known as the Lord, the other is the Lady. One was strong in body, the other strong in mind. One was beautiful in body, the other beautiful in soul. Of course, this was the other's view. They are both. They become each other's compliment, each others soul mate, becoming whole in their love.

And when they fell in love with each other, they consummated it by making love. This made swirls in the spiral dance of energy likes ripples in a pond. These became the suns, the stars, the moons, and the planets. The Goddess grew pregnant with love, with energy, energy created by the force of their love.
She gave birth, raining bright spirit down upon the worlds. Some took the form of the Lord, some took the form of the Lady. When they came of age, and they began to search for their for their counterpart, their soul mate, regardless of the sex they'd been born in. Then more life was created. So came the universe and so came forth life, out of love.

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Re: the universe
Post # 25
its beautifal rose.

i believe that the universe has always been.

it has eternally expanded and contracted.

when it stops expanding and starts pulling back in on eventually reaches back to the point of zero, the singularity. this compressed space explodes back in on itself creating a new universe. thus the big band is a product of the big crunch, and the big crunch is a result of the big bang.

a perfect circle, repeated endlessly. this is what leads me to believe that time is subjective.

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