
Re: Abs
Post # 17
I skimmed and it b gud
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Re: Abs
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 18
Why do you want a six pack? You say you have no time for exercise. Do you climb stairs? Climb them fast. Do you ride to your work (or school)? Walk. But let me tell you a secret. Exercise is better if done by everyday business; although swimming is good. I am 77 years old. Very fit for my age, and look (so I'm told) 20 years younger than I am. I have no idea what the inside of a gym looks like! And I have absolutely no intention of finding out!
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Re: Abs
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 19
Please take notice of what kts is saying. Just as you can think yourself ill, you can think yourself well! It you are overweight you can think yourself slim. You can think yourself into the frame of mind that will help you overcome many of life's problems.
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Re: Abs
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 20
I do agree that spells can come back to you. In good ways and bad. Ultimi_Umbra you talk about freeing myself from spell work and I have to giggle. I actually strive to learn more each step I take so that I don't need as many physical objects to reach the results I need. However in my years of study and practice I have learned that sometimes casting a spell with the objects is the best way to do what needs to be done.

You compared spell work to drugs and I must agree that they can be seen as an addiction just like anything that someone can't live without or that controls their life. There are actually many things related to magic that fall into this category; meditation, prayer, casting, etc. Magic like exercise has a high, but this high can be dangerous just like too much exercise can be dangerous. If one can not feel good with out doing a particular action then you have an imbalance that needs to be investigated.

Magic is about balance. If your personal scale in life tips to far in one direction then you need to counter act that imbalance and bring yourself back to the middle of the scale. This can be done in many ways for the many different imbalances one may have. Magically one can help them self kick start the change that needs to take place. This can be done through meditation, prayer, casting, etc. The problem that many forget is that you can not rely one one aspect to fix your problem. It is a delicate balance of many aspects that brings the scale back to the middle.

Strive for the middle ground in all situations. Here is where peace resides between the extremes.
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Re: Abs
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 21
Yes,yes,yes! kts! (Hey, that rhymes!) Balance is what all should seek. Balance is what chakras are all about. It has been taught throughout the ages; the ancients knew of it--balance. Male and female; ying and yang. That is the aim, to find the "middle", the balance in all things.
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Re: Abs
Post # 22
Balance... hmm in (everything).. Like if you kill 500 bad guys 500 good guys have to die for no reason just because cause is the same. But anyway I beleieve in balance but it's just theoretical. And about spell casting..still sceptic in a way that it is a bad thing, and 99% it will not work ( only if you convince yourself that it actually worked is 1%), just delussions (no offense ;) ).. You can't have balance with it..you ran away, or stay.. I mean things happened to me..from curses to exorcism, so don't think of me as ateist or something, I'm very spiritual.. It's just some thing are so silly and I can't and will not accept them. But it's just me. And deep inside all of the people here know about many things and they want accept them 'dellusions'.
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Re: Abs
Post # 23
Ulti, that's your whole problem. You close yourself out from being able to accept anything that may have a plausible explanation. By closing yourself out to understanding anything new, you are making yourself close-minded, and not to mention a bit bigoted in your views on what is practiced here. If you are so closed off to the notion of magic, which is very apparent, perhaps you should go to a different forum and spew your hatred there like everyone else.
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Re: Abs
Post # 24
Thanks, will try that.
But anyway I just like to get straight answers when somebody stay so close to the question I was about to ask him. I'm not sceptic I'm spiritual indeed ;), just try to observe everything closely in a way to learn something from it...that makes me very wide minded..isn't it. Your post above closed me in my mind, with not so wide explonation and with thinking that I spew my hatred. Sorry if you think it was like that.
And anyway you did not proove me wrong...but never 'mind' ;).
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Re: Abs
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 25
Ultimi_Umbra you sound like a stammering child. Not only is your typing and spelling ability telling of how immature you are being, the content of your posts lead one to believe you are not much older than 10.

You seem to have a real problem with those who do not see things as you do. Your posts are often inflaming which is a trait of an internet troll.
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Re: Abs
Post # 26
English is not my motherlanguage, sorry I try. And thank you for your opinion (from the heart).
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