Game: This or That

CovenNatural Magick ► Game: This or That
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Re: Game: This or That
Post # 161


Rock and Roll or Classical Music?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 162

Oh god that's a tough one. I'd say Rock and Roll because in terms of " Classic music " I only listen to Pachelbel, Yiruma, Michale Ortega, which are more recent and less classy haha.

Cello or Violin?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 163

Cello! I always wanted to learn to play the cello, but I learned the tenor saxophone instead :)

Glasses or Contacts ?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 164

Glasses! I cannot have anything going in or near my eyes. It freaks me out big time.

Wine or beer?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 165

Wine , though I am not a huge wine fan, I like it better than beer lol

Halloween or Christmas?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 166

Halloween! Love dressing up and getting free candy xD

Toast or Eggs?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 167

Eggs! I love chickens and the eggs they lay very much. So much in fact that my wifey thinks I will be the reason chickens go extinct. :3

Japanese of Chinese?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 168

Japanese! I have this thing for japanese. The language, the costums, everything.

Lotus or Tree of Life?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 169

Lotus! I think the aestetic of it is prettier.

Christmas or Halloween?

Re: Game: This or That
Post # 170

Halloween! So much more fun and no family is involved lol...

Chrome or Firefox ?

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