finding your element

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Re: finding your element
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 181
The original post is antiquated and incorrect. The elements are earth, air, fire and water. All other aspects are born of this. There is sometimes considered a fifth element, spirit, that involves all things that are born or influenced by spirit. You do not have an element. As I said before. You are composed of all of them. Your personality traits may leave you feeling closer to one, however, and from there you can begin your studies of all of them.

Re: finding your element
Post # 182
I am a pisces. even if i wasn't i am pretty sure that i am water.

Re: finding your element
Post # 183
Just my 2 cents worth. I know I am new to this forum, but not to the question. How can someone that doesn't know you tell what element you are most drawn to? Even if you tell us what your favorite things are, it doesn't tell us anything. We can use all elements equally with practice. Some people are drawn more to one or another.

Sit down at your altar or kitchen table with a fan going, a bowl of water, a plate of earth and a candle going. Concentrate and see which one you are drawn the the most. Which one feels right to you. Ignore you zodiac sign for this. It isn't right very often. Make sure to have the fan sitting on the table and bblowing gently your way. No fan? Sit outside with a breeze blowing.

Concentrate on each element. Hold the earth. Put your fingers in the water. Feel the air move around you. Focus and watch the flame of the candle dance its dance. With air, can you hear it move quietly through the trees and over the houses? With the dirt, can you feel the lifeforce it provides to all that grows out of it? With water, do you feel its ability to overcome obstacles and flow freely where it wants? And with fire, can you sense its desire to consume everything around it yet leave patches unscathed? Each element also will make you feel different.

Now, for everyone that thinks colors have to do with their element. Wrong. Some might think they like red so they are fire, but feel best on the beach, laying under a tree, hiking in the mountains. Maybe you are just drawn more to a specific type of earth. Red earth. Sandstone, red clay,etc. Google Canyonlands and see how all the red sandstone makes you feel. Any color can be any element. Even blue/green can be tied to a type of soil. Usually rich in copper.

Ok, I'll step back and observe from the shadows. Not trying to start any arguments.

Re: finding your element
Post # 184
Darkness is not an element. And cloud is air/water mix, snow is water, just in different form, plant is part of earth, and lightning falls under fire. Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit. Hope thhis helps. Blessings...

Re: finding your element
Post # 185
How do you find your element?

Re: finding your element
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 186
This post dates back to 2013. Please go to general info and look at my post on the elements.

Re: finding your element
Post # 187
im water and Aquarius but i always wear black, not a big fan of light and brightness, but LOVE rain and thunderstorms. id love to control/create/etc ice and/or lightning/electricity. from the descriptions ive found on water, my personality seems to fit, but i tend to always be angry and have dark thoughts going through my head (darkness), and i often lash out at people physically and verbally for no reason (lightning or fire)... i feel like im darkness, electricity, AND water

Re: finding your element
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 188

Darkness and electricity are not Elements in either the Eastern or Western mystical traditions. And this thread is way to old to be resurrected.

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