The Coffee Shop

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Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Beginner
Post # 181


Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 182

Feeling a little anxious. I have surgery in a week from today and life is definitely going to change after that. I'm not sure how I feel about everything yet. I'm taking it as I go, I guess.

Classes just started at graduate school this week and I'm already swamped with work. I'm nervous about that as well. I need to start writing the introduction and methods portions of my thesis soon but I'm really clueless on where to start with most of it. I have until about March to get my thesis completely written, and while that seeeeems like a long time away I feel like I'm counting down the hours.

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 183

That makes me worried about going to university at all.....

I'm equally interested in everything, and I can't imagine eventually having to do a thesis for something that, now, feels like I can't say wholeheartedly that it is what I want to do as a life long career.

I don't even know if magic could be a life long career.

But I hope your fiance heals soon!! And school treats you kinder.

My mom recently had surgery and did everything she was advised not to do, causing her much pain now, which I wish she didn't have to go through, but I guess that is the direct cause and effect karma that most western yoga moms preach but don't practice anyway LOL

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 184

My husband got me Panda Express today and said Thuraday and Friday the office will get our carpet fixed. He said he will have everything prepared by then. I do not think I will have internet for those two days since we have to disconnect and move the motem and router. ): But hey, new carpet is a huge plus! <3

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 185

Out of the hospital and recovering. Everything feels so surreal right now. Still in a bit of pain; my incisions hurt the most, especially in my belly button where they cut deep. Supposed to drink 4oz of fluids every hour but I can't keep up with it- it seems like too much. At least the dry heaving has stopped for now!

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Beginner
Post # 186

I've been in one of my near-total-seclusion episodes this past week and while it has been necessary (and nice) to enjoy myself and be creative with abandon, I would like to try and integrate my solitary hobbies more into my daily life, rather than having them take it over near-completely.

Steps to take would be making them social hobbies or just spending time with people as I pursued solitary hobbies and trying to enforce more moderation and variety within my day to day activities. I believe this will be healthier for me overall, and it might even set an example for other poeple. Who knows?

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 187

Now that I have a computer I can finally get back on. HUZZAH! Also, I've been very very well-ish. Just looking for jobs and waiting for some jerk to finally call me for one. Like ughghghghghghg. Ive put in over 30 applications.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 188

*Pour's cup of sage/mint in tea cup*

*Ahem* Today was decent, I'll have a three day stint at work coming up, so I'm not sure if I will have much time online aside from a couple of hours. Also, If you have a teaball and stove top kettle, a few mint leaves and crushed cinnamon makes a relaxing cup of tea.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 189

Also personified, i wish you luck with your surgery. That can be a scary thing to face.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Beginner
Post # 190

I'm really trying to get back into spiritual practice and being a part of a spiritual community, but I'm finding it really hard to actually involve myself in either. I have certain practices that are pretty much integrated fully into my daily life that I can't "shut off" but beyond that, I've just been super out of it.

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