feeling power at night...

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Re: feeling power at night...
Post # 3
Dammit it happened again today... i couldnt do it outside in thr afternoon, im gonna try again tonight.

Well have you ever tried manipulating energy?

Well when i control it, i imagine my body is full of white light thats in a current and is flowing around my body, i take control of the current and change the direction into my dominant hand, you can tell that your doing it when your draining your chi to a particular place, and where your draining it, that particular body park will feel tired.

For example, if i decide to drain it from my legs to my hand, my legs will become tired and sleepy, my problem is... I can get my chi to my dominant hand EASY, problem is i have a problem steaming it out of my dominant hand during the day...

I'll do another test tonight, ill check if its a full moon, and i'll try manipulating it again, because theres something about a full moon that makes me feel a little bit powerfuller.

Oh and i have another problem... When i try to pull chi from the sun (i pull it from the sun because my element is fire), i can feel the chi going through my body i could feel the fuzzyness and sensation throughout my body, i could tell that i was doing it right because when i stopped draining the chi, i stopped feeling the sensation and fuzzyness. But the problem was, even though i had some extra energy i still could not get the chi to steam out of my hand!!


I couldnt drain much from the sun, because im sensative to it, i hate the sun. i wish that it would be no sun for a whole week, id be so much happier
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Re: feeling power at night...
Post # 4
maybe cause your element is darkness not light my friend is darkness and she has almost no power during the day but at night she's super powerful
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Re: feeling power at nigh
Post # 5
Wow, you have power a night. I only have powers when i am unconscious. But now I lost all my powers even though i am unconscious... dunno why -.-
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Re: feeling power at night...
Post # 6
My element is not darkness, its fire. Im Leo, and Leo stands for fire.
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Re: feeling power at night...
Post # 7
Well, most magick practicioners draw their power from the moon, so you just have more power at night than you do during the day, thus your magic works better.
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Re: feeling power at nigh
Post # 8
Hey Barbarious i got a tip for you...try focusing the energy in both palms at once and then channel the energy from both palms into just one...like bringing two halfs together...you will feel the difference immediatly and then bring both focused energies to the other hand...that's probably the easiest way to learn flow and projecting :)
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Re: feeling power at night...
Post # 9
fire is the positive version of darkness

white magick, fire
black magick, darkness
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Re: feeling power at nigh
Post # 10
Well, I have been practicing for 13 years, and still use energy manip. as my main method for casting. alot of the problems you are having are probably purely ones in your thought process. at night, when most people are more relaxed, it is easier to focus than it is when things are more active during the day. Get used to practicing to the sound of music you don't like, and make a habit of meditation, at least 30 Minutes a day. as far as these things go... focus is the main problem for most people. White is also a harsh color to focus on for too long... try something more soothing, like a light blue, or maybe even purple. Personally, unless I am dealing with a specific elemetal energy, I visualize mine as a blue-green.

Now, as for the problem with streaming energy out of your body, That's purely because you think it is different from moving it IN your body. imagining that it will be more difficult makes it so. Meditate, focus, and let it happen. I recommend Psy balls to start with, and recommend you try it with your other hand. Most people have one receptive and one projective hand, and they are not always the one you would expect.

anyway, i hope this has helped. Good luck.
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Re: feeling power at night...
Post # 11
Espiri that helped.

B/S I dont know what your talking about.
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Re: feeling power at nigh
Post # 12
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