The idea of this is something I could support as well.
A) Even dead covens have potential. I got Council of Knowledge back on its feet, why can't other covens be given the same opportunity? And it would be progress made in that direction, progress long awaited.
B) When there was such a group in existence it was successful! There was however, the issue that the founder was, incapable of running a group if you will, and the coven went down with him. I thought it was quite unfair, but perhaps something to that sort could be given a second chance perhaps this time with a leader that can, "behave". It would give coven leaders a chance to really create alliances instead of just doing nothing with their "sister covens".
I like the ideas, Stone, maybe they will be taken into consideration, just maybe.
Yeah, it sounds great in theory, so, in theory I completely agree with you.
But theory and reality are so far in between each other.
For the most part, I'd say some of the rankings are accurate, just some. Not all of the rankings are accurate for the simple fact that we as human beings can't accurately judge another person. In the end only the individual can judge their own skills and we can only judge the skills we see. A person may know nothing of energy wells, but knows quite a bit about chakras, or vice versa. Then it becomes a matter of what this individual then chooses to share with us. Maybe they only show some knowledge of it, but no where near what they actually know.
That's my reasoning behind what I am about to say.
Ranking someone based on what they know sounds good, but in the end, it's wrong and juvenile. It reminds me of high school and knowing who is the brains, who knows nothing, who knows something, and who is a plain old idiot. But more than that, it reminds me of the cliques of high school. The cool kids siding together, the losers, jocks, etc. Yeah, some of the people in the groups actually belong there, but most people don't fit where they are actually at, not inside where it counts.
The same could be said of the ranking systems here. Some people are listed in places they shouldn't be in my opinion, but again, it's based off a majority vote where you need a certain number to go up or down. So yeah, I understand there are bugs in the system.
I'll say this as well, since it's coming up in my current coven over who should run it and what's being done to move it forward. Not everyone has what it takes to run a coven. Knowledgeable/Adept people don't necessarily belong running a coven, dead or alive. I'm putting it this way, because I think you'll understand it more, especially the three of you who I know have run covens before. You know people have been in charge of covens they shouldn't have been put in charge of. People who on the surface appear like they know what they are doing.
And no, I'm not talking about anyone in particular, but you guys have been on here long enough to know it's true, it's why so many covens are where they are now.
I want the covens revived to be honest, but I doubt there are enough people on this site who are knowledgeable and can actually handle a coven. And pulling simply from groups that are deemed knowledgeable is wrong because the system is set up to separate, to categorize and determine a person's ability, when it is only the individual who truly knows their own ability.
Khaos, i suggested using the ranking only because we already have people who are inactive, unqualified, inept, etc., running covens which is a great portion of the reason some are DEAD.
You have a better selection process, besides applying for the job to Petrarca, post it!
Actually, I do. The covens where the priest and/or priestess log on, but do nothing towards their covens should be warned, given 3-4 months to make a certain level of progress, then replaced. That gives them at least a chance to change their behavior. The covens who have leaders that have been gone for more than 3-4 months should be straight up changed.
As for who should be put in charge? I honestly think that it should be one of the members of the actual coven. A member or councilor of the coven who has put time and effort into where they are at in the hopes to at least help someone in their coven. Some random member of the site, who has never been a member of the individual coven, and/or doesn't know anything about the coven they are in shouldn't be in any position to run the coven, for the simple fact that they don't understand that coven, it's members, or the needs of the coven as a whole.
The members applicable have to have been members of the coven, stablely for more than 2 months under a single name, and have contributed a number of posts. Councilors would be given precidence since they are already assisting in running the coven. As for who chooses who should be the leader, let the members themselves decide. It is their coven, give them the choice. Pet, like in US government, would either veto or stamp his approval.
That way, everyone gets what they want, everyone has a chance, and everyone has a voice, rather than an elite group. :)
Love both ideas, but Khaos taps on some great, great points. As Lone said, bravo on that behalf.
A especially great point made by Khaos is that what one may be adept in, they may be a beginner in something else. This is another reason why the knowledge system is not completely accurate, although I appreciate quite a few people are great all-rounders.
As I said before, love both ideas even though it has flaws. Of course, the flaws are not due to the idea, but due to the knowledge system.
There are many different ways or systems that could be used to figure out how to revive the fallen Covens. Here on SOM it has been discussed for years, personally I think Pet just needs to put active members in those roles and go from there.
The Knowledge ranking system is seriously flawed, though showing positive and negative factors is regardless due to the fact it can not show anyone's collective knowledge in any area. Also just because someone is knowledgeable in whatever area does not automatically make them leader material. And a natural born leader is not always knowledgeable.
There are a few Covens on here currently whereas the Priest or Priestess really doesn't know anything, but they know how to run a Coven, and keep good teachers around that can explain what they themselves don't know. It works out fine for them.
So it really doesn't matter how people are chosen, as long as they are active. Pick 2 people and put them in the P/PS slots already. Since P/PS can remove each other I would think that would be incentive enough to keep their acts together. Something that has started out as a question a couple years ago has turned into a rocket science debate. Just do it already and let the kinks work themselves out like with everything else around here. (Way to much thought going into something mundanely simple.)