Shouldn't a "High Magician" know these things already? Anyhow, wardings pretty simple, you need only the right energies and all. A lot of lore on protection has to be considered when considering these things, for instance, iron, silver, salt and such don't actually offer protection. These were once thought to based on the whole idea of "things that treat and promote health hurt evil". As these were things used back before modern medicine, legend took them to be protection from darkness.
Practice banishings and use blessed and/or charged objects(or bless/charge your house or place of practice) and you'll be solid.
I think he's looking for specific protective symbols, not an overview on protection theory. Of the texts you requested, the only one I'm personally familiar with is the Key of Solomon. From that I would recommend the third pentacle of Jupiter, whose expressed purpose id to keep evil spirits away from one's home. There's several other protective seals, but that's the one I think would be most helpful for your particular application.
Oh I totally agree with you Sol, but some people, especially those just starting out, prefer utilizing others' methods and materials. Also, from my understanding High Magick seems to favor traditionalism, so there's that.
the pentagram and triquetra is a powerful symbol of protection. put special herbs or stones out side your house at the north south east west correspondences. or pentagram correspondences.
I got one. The materials needed: carving utensils, a bowl that could be carved into, incense, candles, dirt from your house. You will also need symbols that have hierarchy over malevolent spirits, or symbols that bind spirits, for that matter. For the record I haven't tried this myself yet, but it is the concepts and general principles that I know, that has created this notion.
Since the bowl is the main correspondence here, it may be important to choose a bowl of particular material. In this case, a bowl made of a certain wood that emphasizes protection, or absorption would be nice. Of course when the symbols are carved inside of the bowl, this is when the bowl holds it power, it's specific purpose. Then the bowl may have to be taken through charging/ritual.
The bowl represents a vessel. A bowl is an object that can hold something, of almost anything. I suppose if one were to trap a mouse with a bowl they can. This is what the bowl is going to be doing here: trapping or keeping out malevolent spirits.
Directions: carve whatever it is that promotes confusion and binding towards malevolent spirits, inside of the bowl. The sky is the limit here, almost. One could carve hieroglyphs, one could carve a sigil, and put these markings in the order that is best believed to be affective.
1) Carve inside of the bowl, banishing symbols, or symbols that represent confusion.
2) Charge the bowl and state its purpose
3) Fill the bowl with dirt from underneath your house, from where you are going to put the bowl.
4) Sprinkle that dirt that's inside of your bowl, around your home, and on the entry ways of your home.
5) Finally, invert the bowl, underneath your house, where you once got the dirt from, so that it is upside down.
*In essence this bowl should be upside down, underneath your home, from where you took the dirk. Not buried, but touching the ground. Why does it have to be underneath your home, one may ask? Well, in shamanism, I believe that most malevolent spirits come up out of the ground, from the ground; thus, the lower-world. The bowl will, in theory, by symbolism, by magic, will trap out these kinds of spirits. Just like one would trap a mouse with a bowl. The bowl is a vessel. The symbols give this vessel power. The charging/ritual specifies/directs that power.
I like it. The symbolism is simple and intuitive. One suggestion though- since the dirt is a part of the protection, might it be better to add it before charging the bowl and charge them both together?
Also, it may be best to make a new topic under "spell suggestions" so as not to threadjack Mr. Pacholo here.
Hehe, thanks everyone. I now have lots of defenses at my armory... And Yes I do my banishing twice a day thank you very much. I also Invoke the Bornless one and my AgathoDaimon everyday. (Both of these are suitable from exorcisms)I just needed something solid to amuse my lower self and my middle self would understand transferring the information to the higher self which boosts the magick.
you could always try the very simple salt thing. sprinkle salt in all the doorways and on the soles of everyone's shoes. there's also smudge sticks to purify the house. but i think if you wear a symbol [i wear a dragon pentagram] things should be fine.