Left Hand of Shadow

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Re: Left Hand of Shadow
Post # 3
I think I can make some one depressed just by talking to them...
Maybe this spell works for those who has the ability to drain peoples energy plus a very concentrated energy to make such pain.. ^_^ thoughts become words, words become actions sort of thing..
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Re: Left Hand of Shadow
Post # 4
I know that magick can be a very subjective praitise. Something which works well for me may not for another person. I think this spell coud of been helped by adding more of an explanation eg the words themselfs have no efect if you cant see and feel what you are doing.

Blessed be LadyO

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Re: Left Hand of Shadow
Post # 5
yes i thought for a second that it was a nice spell to work from concentrate and focus energy in your hand give it a will then unleash it upon whoever you touch next, but it never states anything of the sort, but say A and then B will happen.

like i said, Oberron seems intelligient but the spell has made me angry, along with the summon jesus ones and the bum a guy one where the spell is you go **** a dude, its openly hateful and definitely made by some jackass, but there are alot of spells on the spell caster book that are plain silly or hateful...no offense to spellcasters, it is of course hard to cotnrol newer members who dont care about the site when everyone is a council member. but i do applaud them, a coven for everyone no matter waht, ery noble indeed.

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Re: Left Hand of Shadow
Post # 6
Spellcasters was the coven i joined when i first started to use the site and its a good starting place, s all memeer are set to cuncil staus and can share there rituals and spells. There are a some spells which are a bit off, but there are also excellent spells there. I think that it is a shame hat there are people who join just to take the p***.

Its a very large coven and obviously it would be imposible to see what all its members are doing.
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Re: Left Hand of Shadow
Post # 7
i agree a very noble coven indeed
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Re: Left Hand of Shadow
Post # 8
^_^ Oh... I never really thought about joining covens, and then one day I clicked on one...and became one till I got invited to another one...back to topic... well, most spells will work if a person can rewrite it (most spells are copy from other sites) and add some ingredients to it...but I do not cast spells that much, but if I do probably it will work but then again...I can just make some one depressed just by talking to them...easy...hahaha
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Re: Left Hand of Shadow
By: / Novice
Post # 9
The stereotype comes from somewhere... I've read that Abracadabra means "I create with words" -- it's an affirmation, a statement of intent. And a statement of intent must come in some form in every magic (even not as an actual statement)... we even call magic spells or en chant ments that implies the power of words. When we express ourselves, the energy moves outwards right?

My own occult advisor was able to make these work: "It [a pickle jar] can and will be opened!" and "Hail Mary, full of grace -- help me find a parking space," then again when she can hold back a rainstorm I'm guessing she can move energy however she really wants and the words are just decoration.

Maybe for this spell:
a.) It's already given that the magician trained his mind and personal energy -- so knowledge of how/what energy is being used in the first place is all sub conscious and won't work if you overthink it, like a Sigil in chaos magick. Hence, use of the left hand and "just do it (you only have 5 seconds)" approach.
b.) Power of suggestion, if the target believes in magic and knows that the caster does it, then hears him/her shout something like that at him -- their own expectations will cause psychosomatic pain and depression.
c.) There is an entity called Shadow's Dark that is called in the casting of this spell?

...would be nice to have explained how it's supposed to work, of course, since I see spells as a skeleton, rather than the actual ability, of magic-casting itself.

I'm more annoyed at the stereotype-- actually, more like the mental block-- that spellcasting is only done as a last desperate resort, and must involve:
burning candles when the electric lights work just fine, using kitchen herbs for something you won't eat, reciting poetry to an empty room -- and expecting not only something from it, but threefold something from it.

See how energy (or concentration, or even deities) never come into it either? But, I think we should know where that stereotype comes from too... and it's just as valid a position...
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Re: Left Hand of Shadow
Post # 10
all i mostly work with is energy, i dotn use much help from outside objects.

i understood it and i used the concept of using energy to tag someone for pain as a basis for a radically different spell, but i had never thought of using energy to tag someone for pain.

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Re: Left Hand of Shadow
Post # 11
maybe Oberron though it this way:

-a begginer would only speak the words, and do it, but nothing will happen.

-an experienced magican knows that he/she must visulize the energy to flow and things to happen, not just words and it works.

this is how only those who are experienced and wise will have the spell working ;)
I would write this spell this way too, because begginers usually dont know how bad the three fold law is and they wouldnt think before doing it, I'm still not saying that all the begginers are that stupid, many are also wise, it depends also the personality... :P but I wish you got the point.

I know these kind of spells too, with the same idea, they work. only that the darkness stays in the hand until its used ^^;
I dont still say it was me who tested those! XD (just saying so you dont think I'm some revanger or killer type, I'm the one who heals with light and other energies lol ':) )
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Re: Left Hand of Shadow
Post # 12
if we wrote spells on here so that only the advanced or experienced could use them then would that not be turning people from magick, because some beginners dont understand the basis of magick, so they dabble to find out, if nothing happens good or bad, they might write it off as a bunch of nonsense, if something good happens, then we might have educated one more person, yet if something bad happens...it might scare the person away, but they would no longer question the power of magick....thus another person is educated.

and there is the three fold law and karma rearing its head. i will start a discussion about that in general info if anyone wants to hear my thoughts on it.

ok back to my point, not everyone believes in the three fold law (me), and i know that you might find that its true to you, but different people have different experiences, which lead to different perspectives....that doesnt mean i dont want you to try and justify why karma is real....exactly the opposite...i LOVE a good debate.

that is a very noble undertaking...to work only with the lighter powers and use them for healing...very selfless.....very unhuman like...no im not saying your not human...i LOVE humanity, yet at the same time i hate its corruption, and by extension peoples inate corruptability.

anyway, when i write a spell, i particularly put in as much info as i possibly can so that the spell has a greater chance of working even if done by someone less inept (me...jk).

anyone who wants to debate about karma head on over to the general info section in about 5 minutes.

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