i know one of them isn't cause when he summoned my familiar i felt something leaving my body and it wasn't my soul that much i know. if my familiar is still around with me then he is probably sleeping
don't trust everything you hear, read, or see. people lie, and can fool you.
what exactly are you hoping for? are you wishing to one-up them, feel special, or discover who you are? you could always lie, but i would soul search, meditate, practice. if you want to be a great spell caster, study magick, learn about it, and practice. if you want to be a great witch, you should figure out who you are. the rewarding path isn't the short cut. if you want the easy way out, lie, figure out a few card tricks, and call it a day.
i know. i used to see monsters on halloween when i was young for 3 years it happened. i was in a haunted house the monsters were there i could actually feel and touch them.
astral dreams? like vivid dreams? it doesn't mean anything beyond a vivid imagination, or a strong memory. seeing a horseman in a dream doesn't really mean anything. you could be having a reoccurring theme, or your subconscious mind is obsessed with the four horseman for whatever reason. you might wish to interpret them separately and the biblical sense. you could simply be worried by doomsday theories depending on your age. [Y2K, 2012]
The thing is i never knew about them till that dream after that i did research. I also Subconsciously astral project from time to time but it happens when im sleeping.
Let's say your friends are clairvoyant and magically adept. Let's say you want to do some self discovery and to hone your magical and psychic skills. To start out, you may want to do research on magick, different magickal paths, different types of magick. You would want to try meditating a lot and balancing your chakras. If you believe in the Divine, you would want to talk to It. You would want to learn and practice things such as blessings, purifications, cleansings, making holy water, and maybe protections. (At least that's the way I'm going at the moment.) you could also record your dreams, do intentional astral travel, some form of divination (scrying, pendulum, cartomancy, taromancy, etc), grounding and centering yourself, and sensing cards. The sensing cards is a method someone on here talked about as a way to help develop your psychic abilities. This is the way I do it: You get a deck of playing cards, shuffle them, and have them all face down. Meditate for a few moments or do some meditative breathing. Then draw a card, face down, and place your hands on it. Close your eyes, clear your mind, and breathe. Try to sense the colour of the card. When you think you've got it, then it over. I like to record how many I got right and how many I got wrong. You do this with as many cards as you can. After all this try guessing the suits then faces then combinations of suits, faces, and colours then the whole card.