Controlling Spell
A spell from Peru used to gain power over people, animals or inanimate objects.
Caution: This is a powerful and potentially dangerous spell.
You will need:
A particle of the person, animal or object, or in the case of an object, perhaps the thing itself
Three beeswax candles
A small bowl of spring water
A small jar or container with a lid
A length of twine
A thorn from any plant
A small piece of fabric, approximately 5 x 5
This spell should only be performed on a waning moon and only when the moon is high. Light the three candles. Place the bowl in front of them so that the bowl is between you and the candles. Now, place the fabric on the table or surface between you and the bowl. Once you have this arranged, you are ready to begin.
Take whatever particle you have of this person, animal or thing and hold it in your left hand. Close your eyes and imagine being in total control over the person, animal or thing. Open your eyes and dip the fingers of your right hand into the water. Sprinkle the water onto the empty fabric while still holding the object in your left hand and repeat these words aloud:
Through my effort, I take your will
Next, place whatever you are holding in your left hand on the fabric and sprinkle it with water from your right hand. As you do so, repeat these words:
By this act, my will is yours
Remove the item from the fabric. Place the thorn in the center of the fabric. Quickly roll the fabric and bind it with the twine. Place the whole in the jar or container and secure the lid.
Take each of the candles and drip a little wax onto the top of the container. Extinguish the candles.
Opening the jar or container can break the spell.
To Make Someone Forget a Secret
Created by: Sir Summer ShiningStar
Given to: the Great Puzuzu
You will need: a black candle; a sheet pf paper with the words: MY SECRET written in pencil on side, and your actual
secret on the other; and eraser (if there is already one on your pencil--fine.)
What to do: Light the black candle, say the following words while erasing the letter M:
As I erase one letter away
You'll forget my secret (the person's name) today,
And when the last letter is erased and burned
My secret to you--shall never return!
Snuff out the candle. Every night earse the next letter. When the letter T is erased, use the flame of the candle to burn the paper, and say: So mote it be!
Caution: This is a powerful and potentially dangerous spell.
Caution: This is a powerful and potentially dangerous spell.
Caution: This is a powerful and potentially dangerous spell.
Caution: This is a powerful and potentially dangerous spell.
Caution: This is a powerful and potentially dangerous spell.
Caution: This is a powerful and potentially dangerous spell.