Wish Spell...help

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Re: Wish Spell...help
Post # 3

While I can't say much on the topic of necromancy, I can say that your visualization process is accurate, you definitely want to focus on visualizing the results happening in your life. "Wish Spells" could mean a lot of things, after all, aren't most spells wishes in general? Is magic not wishing your will into existence in a way? I would say for this particular issue there are many paths you could take to achieve your desired outcome. Pick something that you believe you have experience/affinity with already, if you are good at ritual/ceremonial magic then try that, or if your aptitude lies elsewhere do whatever feels right to you.

To answer, yes, "wish spells" "work" so long as the wish itself is not something of an impossibility. As for the wording, make it personal and creative I'd say, something that feels good but if you want you can also throw in "in a way that harms no one" to avoid any ways of manifestation you did not wish for.
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Re: Wish Spell...help
Post # 4
Thank you!
I've never done any necromancy work before.
Do manifestations work like wish spells or are they a part of it?
I've seen like Jar Spells, Candle Spells and some other ones...

Is there a certain day of the week?
For whatever reason, I am completely blocked feeling on what I should do or how to make it the most effective.
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Re: Wish Spell...help
Post # 5
is there a certain color candle
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Re: Wish Spell...help
Post # 6
I'd say manifesting is as much a "wish spell" as anything is really. I was poking more at semantics than anything. Jar spells, candle spells, and any other kind of spell can all achieve similar results, the difference is mostly in execution, personal flavor, elements, etc. If you are unsure where to start then I recommend something simple that you actually do and like doing. What are your materials? What do you have experience with? What are your talents? If you have no experience at all with any magic then I suggest starting with something basic. Since your wish is related to getting your house back, and the processes that lead up to it, you can approach it from a few angles. You could do a simple candle spell, picking a color you think is related to the issue (maybe green?), preparing the area, getting into trance, visualizing and working with the candle, etc. Or if you want you could make a more elaborate ritual if you feel comfortable with that.
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Re: Wish Spell...help
Post # 7
What will make it most effective is whatever allows you to focus on your intent and draws in spiritual/energetic help from your sources. You mentioned days of the week, you can look into planetary forces to try and align your spell/ritual to a day associated with a certain energy, something that people say helps with monetary issues or getting back things, etc. I myself haven't looked into much of that so I can't for certain say which day of the week will be best.
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Re: Wish Spell...help
Post # 8
Greetings All.

So as we go through different moods, during different days of the week and during different times of the day, so too does a change in energy levels becomes apparent. Our energy can go from an all time high to point so low, which has direct consequences on our thoughts, our mental state of mind, our actions, and indeed our ability to perform as a well functioned individual.

So too must we understand, that magick and spell work also has a mind of it's own, it has different moods, and in particular, Magick is a recipient of our energy, our intension and our emotions during spell work.

So basically, there are days of the week, that align with a certain planet, which in turn aligns itself with a certain aspect of spell work. So I think it would be fair in saying, that if we 'house' a certain spell that we are casting, to a certain day, which is obviously ruled by a certain planet, it will energise our spell so we get the best results at the end.

So a simple guide with the days of the week, and appropriate spell work for that given day.

Monday is ruled by the Moon and as Monday is the start to the week, spells in regards to, Peace, Hopes, Dreams, Wishes, Protection will be appropriate as we would require a peaceful week ahead, protection for the week ahead and hopes being fulfilled during the week.

Tuesday is ruled by Mars, and in regards to spellwork, spells of courage, action, self esteem and victory, because im sure that after seeing a Monday through, we feel more refreshed, and energised, and a good day to renew our self belief.

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, a day ideal for spells on communication, business, studying or even writing. Middle of the week, where we can focus our energies on communication skills, learning about different people, bringing our our creative side, focus on your passion and what you enjoy doing.

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, a day that appropriate for working on leadership skills, abundance of wellbeing, an ideal day to tackle legal issues, paying attension to career achievements.

Friday is ruled by Venus, and that I'm sure speaks for itself, so if you looking to cast a spell in regards to love, passion, romance, beauty, or even friendship, Friday will be the most suitable day in doing so.

Saturday is ruled by Saturn. Many people experience the negative effects of Saturn because Saturn is a planet that has the most negative influences. So on a Saturday, one would want or maybe need to do protection spells, banishing spells, and cleansing spells, and what we seek is transformation, from negative influences to positive outcomes.

Sunday is ruled by the Sun, and its a day of grounding, for being thankful, a day we seek healing from Mother Nature, healing of one's self, look towards person growth, touch on our creative and Spiritual side. Finding ourselves to start the week ahead journey again.

So basically just a few thoughts and views, I wanted to share, and hopefully it will be of assistance, as it was to me when I started my learning experience.

Blessed Be
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Re: Wish Spell...help
Post # 9
Your spell work depends on how you believe and faith is the key.
This are the things you need to consider
How much work and energy you put in your spell work..imagine your rent is expired and the landlord is asking you to evict and and you dont have money to pay the rent.
As a magician or wiccan you already know that you must act upon this.
All you need to do is to cast a strong spell that resonates with your intentions at the right time and space using the right tools at least to be given sometime to make some money to pay your rent.

This is when work comes in i.e as you cast your spells also have it in mind that you still have rent to pay that the spell will only procrastinate time..your landlord may be enchanted and soften to give you sometime and he may not even bother you anymore but.
But in time you still have to pay because even spells do wayne.
Faith and hardwork is the key
Remember as within so without..
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Re: Wish Spell...help
Post # 10
In my own experience wish spells definately work, of course its up to each spellcaster to ensure this by believing in the spell, casting it by being in a relaxed state of mind and of course by not fretting afterwards about how it actually went. I would suggest a simple spell, nothing too complicated, there are also several law of attraction/manifesting ways you could use, pick one that you feel drawn to and stick with that, and remember, a positive mind is key to any spell success. Blessed be xx
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Re: Wish Spell...help
By: / Novice
Post # 11
About the only additional advice I can offer is to also be sure you reflect on/examine the cause of the loss of the home. In the event of getting back into a home, you do not want to repeat the things that led to losing your last one or else it will simply happen again. Magic can effect great change, but it does not ignore cause and effect.

Self-work is a vital cornerstone of the process. Or, as one of my (admittedly many) favorite sayings puts it;

All things begin within the self.
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Re: Wish Spell...help
Post # 12
Wish spell works best on the energy you put while casting the spell if you have faith and unwavering belief..your spell can work wonders you never expected.

This is from my own personal experience.
Thank you
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