help with relgion

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Re: help with relgion
Post # 21
im speaking from a legal standpoint
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Re: help with relgion
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 22
The last time we mixed politics with religion people got burnt at the stake.

Looking back at the burning times with different eyes can help you to see the legal reality of the situation.

People made false claims of their neighbors doing witchcraft on them and others to have their neighbor then burned, hung, stoned, or crushed. After the horrid death of their neighbor they then had legal rights to all property and possessions of said neighbor. Many of the victims were wealthy and middle class widows.

Now if that is not legal sacrifice of a human to the god of personal greed I don't think I am in touch with the reality of this world.

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Re: help with relgion
Post # 23
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Re: help with relgion
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 24
It seems maybe you do not understand the true nature of sacrifice.
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 25
i do but you need to work on phrasing. I had no idea what you just said....also my greatgreat(you get the idea) was accused of witchcraft and burned in salem
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 26
also you can mix politics and religion if you mix in ALL religions
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Re: help with relgion
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 27
There were no victims of the Salem witch trials that were burned. There were only 20 executed victims, 19 were hanged and 1 was crushed to death. There are no other accounts of people being executed for witchcraft in the Salem Massachusetts area.

I think you need to do a bit more research on witch hunts, witch trials, the burning times, and human sacrifice throughout the ages. Especially before claiming to have a relative to have been executed for the crime of witchcraft. It is so disrespectful to do so under false pretenses.
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 28
Kts is right there were no burn victims in Salem.The acusations made were made by children at first and then later on believed to be made for Gain of Properties and other things.There not sure of the reason for the original claims,Its said the girls were being taught by a woman that used a form of Voodo I believe,so they may have been diverting attention from them selves.Its also thought that many of the comunity suffered from Ergot poisoning.Ergot is a fungus that grows on wheat and Rye (Claviceps purpurea,) and causes hallucinations and other symptoms.So its possible the entire Thing was caused by a bad Wheat crop.Still no one (that we know of) was ever burned there.
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 29
Calm down. Your friend is wrong about gays. Catholics hate the act of homosexual sex, not gays themselves. And not because gays are somehow different, but because when they make love, it is purely for pleasure and not for procreation. They equally despise all kind of lust acts and it doesn't matter if it is between a couple or two men. It's lust. Though I believe that Christian can't hate. You are certainly much more like Christ than your friend.

Second, Isn't Hell=death, grave? Not a place of lava and fire.

Third, Christians despise witchcraft, you know that. It means you are looking for help somewhere other than God and that is evil by definition.

Fourth, this might be a wrong place to ask about Christianity...
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Re: help with relgion
Post # 30
Must say i really liked what Balance said about heaven and hell!:)
Well said.
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