
Forums ► General Info ► moon..

Re: moon..
Post # 21
I've seen the moon last night. It was 1/2 full.

It hung low and bloated under the treetops, and it was Large. I usually see the moon so only during the Harvest moon, and thats not the worst part.

There was a color to the moon i've never seen. It was an orange-yellow mix, and it was Dark. It had an almost malovent feel. Like a large glaring face in the sky.

There was a ring around it as well, a greenish-yellow light.

I've never seen a ring around the moon that color.

It looked..Wrong. It felt compelling to watch, but was like watching a sickness fester. Or like a shadow swallowing up the light.

This is going to get worse before it gets better. Another 4 day full moon, and an eclipse.

Please don't cast. Don't look to the moon.

Dont look at it at all.

And dispite the flow of power in the air, dont succumb to temptation. The power it's dispensing is a lure.

Don't be baited.
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Re: moon..
Post # 22
the moon is now only 5 days away and i am really seeing the same thing that happened to me in 2004,now it just seem to be like a curse to me...
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Re: moon..
Post # 23
yawn dont worry about it just be prepared. there just litle demons and people goin crazy i thought it was somethin new
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Re: moon..
Post # 24
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Re: moon..
Post # 25
i have some thing to say about the moon.
for the las hour sence the moon has resen i have had this head ack it istnt one of my usuall migreans it is werse there is some thing wrong with the power the moon is giving off. for some reson i have had to feed sevrel times this week and that us unusal for me since i only feed once every few weeks.
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Re: moon..
Post # 26
you can see the moon light in a straight manner...
its quite unusual for me too...asnd i`m left with 1 day to my real journey..
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Re: moon..
Post # 27

The eclipse this time will be Far worse!

The feelings of power is a lure, a carrot dangled in our faces to make us plod unsuspectingly foreward.

Do you're selves a favour:

stay inside, dont cast, dont use energy. Make Yourself Unnoticible.
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Re: moon..
Post # 28
omg ive been outside ahh dont worry about me
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Re: moon..
Post # 29
flagg are u some scared person you are the one always telling people to not do something or else. do u know what that or else could be well go outside and wander around and find out what im doing do it when its night flagg get over it. if u are trying to protect people firgure out what will happen if we do what u said.
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Re: moon..
Post # 30
yeh mostly around the united states was a storm turned on the channel so many schools closed ok it stormed because of it. its tonight dont stark freakin out u guyzz say everyone goes crazy the onlyones goin crazy is u guyz its what u belive yes something will happen but dont go all crazy and scaredy cat.
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