guys in

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Re: guys in
Post # 21
that is exsactly what we have just said
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Re: guys in dark..clothin
Post # 22
I will be training and studying, even with knowing 4 years of magick, I still have a long way to go. Training and studying will make you stronger, we should meet in our covens once a day and learn more about magick, and become stronger. Studying and training with friends, makes it less hard.
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Re: guys in
Post # 23
I feel as if they aren't evil though. More like were all fighting for the same cause exept of the fact that they will kill who gets is their way. But thats my own feelings.
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Re: guys in
Post # 24
but i agree
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Re: guys in
Post # 25
I don't know if it's related but when i was first starting learning and practing WHITE! magic, i had a dream that i was in a tower and there was a libary with old books and a magican whereing i think it was a brown cloke, like a monk, handed me a book. and sayed becareful with it. (i've been doing nothing but good with my magick.)

Could someone tell me what it ment?
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Re: guys in
Post # 26
the goverment hides 75% of info from the public
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Re: guys in
Post # 27
you are quite right amari and sg..
but there`s a slight disadvantage..
the guys i saw were like having some sort of symbol on their clothing..
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Re: guys in
Post # 28
Like what?
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Re: guys in
Post # 29
The government knows everything about us when you think about it. Computers store every little detail about us. Yet they still pretend as if theres nothing negative changing in the wolrld.

Now with the aliens. I haven't been aware of these sightings but I shall look into it. But I noticed something said about how they moved by Amari. In my dream/vision these men did have definite feet however they moved in away that made them seem as if they... glid.

markings? I beleive there is a single solitary symobol that states what they are and where there from. However I can't be sure. Does anyone have any info on this?
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Re: guys in
Post # 30
hey ive seen one of thses men before. one was following me. he had something in his hand. i dont know wat it was but i dont want to find out either
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