In my opinion, and this is just an opinion, the coven description should list anything that's required on the application or tell you where to find it. If it doesn't, and this is the opinion part, the coven probably isn't that good if it requires an application and doesn't say what the application should include. I would think the Priest and/or Priestess are probably new to what they're doing and thus not very experienced, it isn't a coven I would be attracted to.
Re: Coven Applications By: ginseng
Post # 22 Mar 16, 2010
I really don't think that we could be any clearer than large red letters asking them to follow the instructions.
Then submit the entrance exam which is further down the page.
It states in plain and simple English what to do.
Re: Coven Applications By: Nevermore27
Post # 23 Mar 16, 2010
I've gotten an angry e-mail or two from people who are rejected as well.
Not doing as asked in a coven application shows incompotence and frankly ignorance...especially when people act like they're entitled to be in a coven.
I'm here to teach, learn, trade ideas, ect...not spoon feed someone who can't scroll down a bit and copy and paste info into 2 e-mails. You can't grow as a person or practitoner if thats what you expect.
And for the record...I've read all the coven bios, and only 3 or 4 were slightly unclear as to what they wanted in an application. The rest take actual effort to miss, if you take the time to read.
the only covens that sounded really clear in what they wanted were penta magic and the shaman one. the others seemed to beat around the bush and generally be unclear. its not because people haven't looked its because the instructions weren't clear enough. please don't be mad at me i only bring this up to help solve the problem and get a straight final answer.
I agree with everyone. Alewyn and myslef are the Priest/ess of Practical Witches and nothing is more annoying then people not following simple instructions. With our coven it is assked that they have a picture, send a request to both of us, send a message to us also answering a couple of questions why they want to join, and to also have a bio on their page so we know something about them and their age. We used to send them messages trying to work with them a little and now we just ignore them completely and reject them. We don't always get request sent to both of us which is why we keep each other updated on new request usually. It was said earlier that those who can't even take the time to do something so simple as our request won't be able to partcipate in the group or study the craft properly.
Re: Coven Applications By: Nevermore27
Post # 26 Mar 18, 2010
I have to disagree with you 2091.
As I said, I looked at all the covens here and found only 3 or 4 to be unclear.
For example, our coven asks 4 questions, which is clearly labled under a bright underlined heading called " Application ".
It may be uncomfortable answering them, or one may not know what to say, but most the covens here are very clear with the questions they want answered.
There is a difference between the questions being unclear, and not knowing what to say.
Re: Coven Applications By: moon_maiden
Post # 27 Mar 18, 2010
the question What can you Reserve FROM the coven really mean? I often not sure what I should say to this
Re: Coven Applications By: Draggy
Post # 28 Mar 24, 2010
Most Covens/Clans are very clear in not only their instructions for applying, but also in what they are about. 90% of the issue usually lies within the fact that many do not read the entirety of the page. They see the group's name, pic, or just read the brief overview thinking it looks or sounds "cool" and jump right in. If new comers actually spent time talking to members of the group they have interest in, I would think that they may not only find a Coven/Clan that suits them, but also have no issues in figuring out how to apply.
Within our application, there is a question that asks for a specific rule... if you actually read the rule list as instructed then the answer should be quite simple. After using this question in the App. it took 6 months for someone to get it right the first time. And it was of a 10 yr. old female. Sad to say, but I would that a mature teenager or an adult would have been able to get it right. And the truth of how she did it, was simple. She actually took the ten minutes and read it all.
So in short I agree we all could probably make some touch-ups to our info sheets, but at the same time I must scream "Operator Error!!". And this truely shows us as Priest/Priestess/Council just how sincere a potential member really is. Thus why we keep a very small number.
Re: Coven Applications By: Lady_Snow
Post # 29 Mar 27, 2010
I agree with you Draggy.
It seems people tend to be rather lazy or don't find the time to read the info.
One thing that I've heard of was that they'd complain to the leaders after being rejected about not having the time to fill out the application completely or not at least read everything that was absolutely mandatory; I kept thinking, that if they don't even have the time to read a description or even coven requirements, or at that write a short paragraph on their personality and what they're interested... then how can we expect them to have time to be a good member?
It really is strange how people refuse to practice common sense with this kind of thing.
Some advice:
If a coven home page is longer than others and you're too lazy or you don't have enough time to read it, then you will be just as lazy or not have enough time to read what's actually inside the coven forums;
because guess what, our forums get even longer.
If only we had a big red flashing signal to pop up on the page as a member who won't be very active in the coven would come out saying, "Don't Bother!".
Re: Coven Applications By: Draggy
Post # 30 Mar 29, 2010
I believe Lady Snow is tied into my own brain... :P She gets it, now if the multitudes of applicants will learn the issue will be resolved. ;)