Witchcraft v. Wicca

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Re: Witchcraft v. Wicca
Post # 21
I agree with you about the old Wiccan ways and that's what I practice. My mentor is a wonderful person and said the same thing you did about the Wicca religion. Blessed Be!
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Re: Witchcraft v. Wicca
Post # 22
the only difference is whether or not you "pray" to the god and goddess.

for example: there is a difference between somebody who believes in christianity, and regularly practices it. witchcraft was seperated from wicca to only constitute the point that you do not have to worship other deities to perform these acts.

also: witchcraft is a general term, which can represent any magickal practice.
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Re: Witchcraft v. Wicca
Post # 23
"I understand what Brysing and Lark are referring too. Not all witchcraft aspects are part of a religion but many who practice witchcraft see it as part of their religion. To me witchcraft is an art not a religion. It is part knowledge, practice, and skill. Though I also feel that one who makes spiritual connections to the craft inherently enhance their knowledge, practice, and skill. ;)"

this too. thank you Kts!
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Re: Witchcraft v. Wicca
Post # 24
In regards to Witchcraft v. Wicca: I see it quite simply. I view Witchcraft as the "Mother Religion" much like Christianity is one. And I see Wicca as more of a denomination of Witchcraft, much like Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, etc. are denominations of Christianity.

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Re: Witchcraft v. Wicca
By: / Beginner
Post # 25
I view witchcraft as an act rather than a religion but part of a religion. I dont use wicca or witchcraft to define my self unless i am talking to someone who doesnt understand the words anyway. i see my self as a pagan.
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Re: Witchcraft v. Wicca
By: / Novice
Post # 26
yes, Wicca and Witchcraft are two branches of the same tree, but i think what many people argue [and what i argue] is you don't need to be Wiccan to do magic [aka Witchcraft] that is what bugs me about our religion due to it's openness and it's general view from the public still being negative a lot of teens will hear 'Witchcraft' and think 'dark arts' and they join the religion under false pretenses and just cast magic, they don't worship the element, or the god and goddess, or meditate, they just wear black and do spells [stereotyping i know] it's that which annoys me, and that is probably the reason many people say things like 'Wicca is not the same as Witchcraft' when they should say 'You don't have to be Wiccan to do spells.'
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Re: Witchcraft v. Wicca
Post # 27
THE PAST SHOWS US THE TRUTH and that all the teachings came from that era. we were born of earth and fire, air and water, summer and winter, light and dark, all the paths are true so why do you fight!
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Re: Witchcraft v. Wicca
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 28
I didn't realise I would cause so much controversy. I was merely trying to point out that Wicca is a "modernised" version of witchcraft according to the writings of Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente. Alex Sanders, et al. But so many books have been written by all sorts of authors since witchcraft became legal in 1951, that has resulted in so many "paths" that the original has been lost.Just as modern Christianity has very little to do with Jesus. So modern Wicca has very little to do with witchcraft. Both have been "diluted" over time.

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Re: Witchcraft v. Wicca
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 29
Indeed, Brysing. Someone up there eluded to Wiccan folk who do not practice magic or view it as a religion. It seems then that the open acceptance of Wicca has resulted in non-practicing Wiccans much as there are non-practicing Christians... Those who go believe but don't really follow through with the ritual, pomp, or ceremony.

For me, I find this somewhat sad, despite this being the natural course that most religions will follow. There is much beauty in the heart of the origins of these faiths, and much seems lost in the hooplah of simply wanting to be different and magical.

But as history has shown us, history and faith are commercial enterprises. So it goes with such things.
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Re: Witchcraft v. Wicca
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 30

...and the great tree of life grows on.

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