What is magical?

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Re: What is magical?
Post # 21
as for Wiredbomb0 comment. If you truely respect others belief then you MUST realize SOME peoples beliefs are to not believe in your beliefs because they believe they're wrong.

As for KTS. I'd have to say watch out with that last piece of advice you were giving. While I'm sure it's not IMPOSSIBLE to communicate with spirits. How do you know the person you're giving that advice to is actually talking to spirits and not talking to them self and actually need medical and psyciatric help? ya know. Like people that are crazy like that are simply waiting for an explination as convenient as that. And it's REALLY not healthy for them to think that way and really should get mental help. I'm not saying it's bad advice. But only if you give it to every random stranger you meet. Then you're bound to find one person you really shouldn't of told that to..
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Re: What is magical?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 22
I am not sure which peice of advice you are talking about. Is it about spells or talking to spirits? I personaly talk to spirits all the time. Yes I have been treated for mental problems (depression). What a shocker right? Almost half of the adult population in the US has suffered at one time form depression. I would love to find a study of how many people who practice magic have had problems with depression. The numbers would probably be frighting. Does that mean I do not talk to spirits? No, it means that I have had a problem with depression in my lifetime, nothing more. Now I did not give the advice that the voices in anyones head are spirits. I said it is possable to talk to spirits, they listen to us and some of us have learned to hear them. I did not give the advice that if you are hearing voices in your head than it is just spirits talking to you. I am assuming this is a site for magical discussion and not mental problems. Though if it is nessacery I will tell anyone if they are having problems with voices in their head that won't go away to seek medical help.
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Re: What is magical?
Post # 23
wow Molgore you seem to take everything we say and flip it are you a girl? now you are acting as though you do not even believe in magic do you? IF so please do tell. We are here because we believe in magic, here this might help you.
What is magic/websters Dicitonary(to define it for you)
mag'ic 1 use of charms, spells etc. 2 sleight of hand -a of or as if by magic: also mag'ical and mag'ically
magi'cian- one who does magic
Hope it helped :)
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Re: What is magical?
Post # 24
p.s. what is magical......
I would say everyone you talk to :)
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Re: What is magical?
Post # 25
Well dragon when somethings a broad as that it's litterally impossible to claim it wrong.. So good job. I wouldn't say I believe in magic. Simply physics that haven't been discovered yet(with the acceptions of people turning into mermaids and vampires.. Seriously gtfo of town). Science isn't about disprooving anything. Simply on how things work. If it does exist.. It has an explination. We just don't know it yet. And KTS I didn't mean to imply you were trying to do anything really. Just SOMETIME because they're ARE seriously mentally ill people and I'm not talking about simple depression. I mean full blow off the wagon. And for those reason some times when you say things like speaking to spirits you need to add small bits of advice like.. Don't confuse spirits with deloutions. Because there IS a difference. Know what i mean?
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Re: What is magical?
Post # 26
Also topic aside for a second. I'd like to say I'm impressed on the level of descution on this thread. I realized when I made it chances are it was simply gonna turn into a gladiator thread... But to my surprize you all act rather well behaved. And I can even debate over certin things you say with out people going Ape sh** over it and claim attacks and running off to the nearest moderator. Only when people can TRULY descuse something feelings and pride aside and get to roots of things can you actually learn anything.. In my opinion you can spare feelings and learn at the same time. Some people have to much pride to learn. And so they need to attack.
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Re: What is magical?
Post # 27
Yeah, I know what you mean. Delusional people, are described as delusional because the person who called them delusional just doesn't understand that person's point-of-view.
Molgore, another thing, Science can only prove things in the physical world, where there are limits and physical laws, it's hard to study the spiritual plane especially if it takes up to 10 months to even start having the first experience of Astral Projection.
One more thing, spirits don't physically talk, my spirit guide, she influences my instincts, and when I try to talk to her, it's like talking to myself, you could call me delusional if you like, but the responding-me in my head, is completely different to myself, and only speaks of what I need to know, or at least tries to influence me to keep out of harm's way..
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Re: What is magical?
By: / Novice
Post # 28
Luckily the people who have posted here only aim to help. Even at the risk of being scrutinized, we have all tried the best we could to answer your question. Magic, is just what the definition said. Spells, charms, slight of hand. Magick is much more.
There are many practices within magick that stay the same no matter what you are studying, which makes sense when most of them have the same thoughts or the same goal.
Practitioners of magick only sometimes know magic. A wizard, for instance, modern or historic, is versed in many types of magick, the rituals the spells from this type of craft to that, but also is knowledgeable in parlor tricks. Sometimes that's what people want. You want audible or physical proof, you'll at least like what you see and hear.
The truth is that magick is a way to sharpen the mind, to focus energy, to project that energy to heal, or in extreme cases harm. It's a way to learn to, if nothing else, visualize a spiritual plane. A way to gain wisdom of the earth around you and see what you always knew was there but couldn't quite glimpse. A way to hone into the parts of the mind that lie dormant waiting to be tapped so you can truly believe that we are all what we make ourselves and nothing more. A way to put aside circumstance and allow yourself to grow.
It's a faith. Energy doesn't disperse or disappear it changes from one form to another, physics will definitely tell you that. You get to decide, however, whether or not you want to cast aside reservation and logic to even wonder if a mere human can contain, harness, or beneficially use that energy. You got nothing to lose but time, which if Einstein was right, doesn't exist anyway.
Everything starts somewhere, and for a purpose.
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Re: What is magical?
Post # 29
Thank you Molgore for the answer to my qustion. This DRAGON is most happy lol. So science is your way I got it thanks that is all I wanted.
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Re: What is magical?
Post # 30
no no no to some it is about proving it is not here...... to some it is proving it is here is that not what scientist, or a doctor or even people do we look at stuff and try to say if it is real or not.So it works both ways on that one some are here to help prove stuff and some are not. But I'm still most delighted that you resopned to mine :). Well I have spoke my mind.
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