finding the ancient tools

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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 21
well there is a few more that i have found sice the last time i posted but i can not get to them theres on somewhere in japan one in russa (i think i missspeeled that) and one in the northen pole regone
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 22
the one in japan is safe my brother has it on layaway. it was his hunting spear a long time ago
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 23
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Re: finding the ancient t
Post # 24
Are u sure,there arent any in Europe....? =P
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 25
there might be they only revel them selves when they fell like it so its hard for me to find them
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Re: finding the ancient t
Post # 26
i can honestly say i have never heard of these tools but if they are so powerful i would be able to sense them if i got near so ill stay on the lookout and guy's get crystals stones and gemstones they can hold power in them that act as a reserve
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 27
thank you varo. the tools are old and old stuff is sometimes forgoten that is why most people don't know any thing about them
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Re: finding the ancient t
Post # 28
Your welcome and i have heard a rumor by forms of different emails people are getting angry becuase an imposter using the name varo is going onto sites and making everyone angry but i repeat its an imposter not me
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 29
i understand what you mean
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Re: finding the ancient tools
Post # 30 sorry ive never heard of these so called "ancient tools" anyways...btw have any of u even given a thought that "the war" might actually not be? for all we know it could be a volcano that could put us through an ice age (as scientists have predicted). In the Bible (im not christian but the bible should not be underestimated because it probably contains some of ther oldest info. u will ever get to read in ur life time. ANyways....pagans mainly wrote the book of psalms along with David. In there it explains that demons can sometimes be a part of speech. Not litaraly meaning "a demon" bc i bet that most of u have never even seen a demon. I havnt either but ive seen wat it could do (long story when i was in my room one night). back to the point....demon could just mean something general...for example.. mean boss: demon: again not literal. Some arcane ancient objects may exist, but wats the point of having a car with no keys? Having a school with no teachers....this objects are meaningless as the dirt under ur carpet if u donr know how to use them. I know of an ancient book of magick that has never been found. It occured to me in a dream. There is a good book and a bad book so to speak. The good book has all the ancient secrets of good magick and earth magick. There is also an evil book of the most evil ever captured on paper (or papayrus w/e its written of). I asked my spirit guide if this dream was true and she said yes...there is a book that is written by the hand of the gods themselves. Think of the books as yin and yang. I remember the name of the book i saw in my dream...and this is how it sounds like "Asirio Oragatu." My guess is that it is not fact i am %99.9 that this book is not physical. It resides in another plane. But if we could summon or astral project to the book and gather the very infomation of the fabric of space time and life itself....imagine the possibilities if we knew wat is inside that book... dont waste ur time on useless arcane objects....gather information, its wat life is made for...think about it. Blessed Be

p.s. if anyone has any info. about this book it would be really spirit guide cant tell me anything else for some reason...
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