Become vegetarians!!!

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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 21
I'm only vegetarians are capable of being open to the universe?

I'll give you that food these days are far more contaminated than they ever were, but vegeterianism is not for everyone.

Elitism at it's best I see.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 22
"allie, would you eat your dog or cat? no. didn't think so. animals are living breathing creatures. would you like to be slaughtered and sold off to be eaten? i sure wouldn't."

Ummmm yes I would, they are just animals nothing more.
And if I was a soul-less hairball, I wouldn't care.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 23
Animals have spirits,ask any shaman..they have great insight and are not close minded and ignorant as you alie.However you only poison yourself,however do what you wilst.

If you want to know how to feed on sun energy(to replace food)just message me ;)
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 24
allie that's mean, your pets have souls like you
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 25
Anyone can open to universe,its just more easier when not eating flesh.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 26
"Animals have spirits,ask any shaman..they have great insight and are not close minded and ignorant as you alie.However you only poison yourself,however do what you wilst."

Call me ignorant and close minded(especially since I insulted you personally, not) but the truth is the truth and that can not be judge or changed, yes animals have feelings and personalities, but when an animal dies it has no afterlife, it has no soul to live on after death. But believe what you want.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 27

Our ancestors did not survive on fruits, grains and veggies alone. I'll give you that with different tribes and groups, meat was rare, but was still consumed.

Are you suggesting the Druids were not open to the universe since they did, at least on occassion, eat flesh?

I have no problem with any one who wishes to live a life style meat free. I do have an issue with elitists. And your suggestions point you to that way of thinking.
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 28
hogwash allie! i've had pets that have died, and i know they had a soul, cause one of them is now a cat
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 29
Alie i have beliefs that can change into second,thats among things i learned,however i share my insight on this..

I dont like vulture type of feeding,more shamanitc,at least thanks the spirit of animal if nothing else.As i said before anyone can open to universe but being vegeterian is more easy to open to universe..(again read what i say).

Fighting of words and opinions is great,so much to learn :)
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Re: Become vegetarians!!!
Post # 30
I did read what you said. I disagree with it, but I read it lol.

I say a word of thanks for my food. I thanked cows when I got my leather coat too!

Neither veiw is the "absolute right way". Just the individual right way. I know, in my house, vegetarianism wouldn't fly. CPS would be knocking on my door for endangerment.

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