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Re: Life
Post # 22
To WayoftheWind: so does that statement imply that after life your soul will evolve into a higher being like a magickal spirit? But what about people who don't even BELIEVE in the supernatural? What if they are reincarnated into several more lives until they do lol? Though that would make sense if your statment is true.
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Re: Life
Post # 23
Maybe if you fail a class you repeat it. LOL or summer school.
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Re: Life
Post # 24
Summer school possibly being a person existing as a ghost on earth?...
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Re: Life
Post # 25
life is energy
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Re: Life
Post # 26
Lol...opinions are what makes the world go round. Life is like a asshole, everybody got one. Blessed be.
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Re: Life
Post # 27
A dream..Death.. and any other word with the same weight in meaning.. -_- Love, hate.. god.. justice.. *_* for me life is life..and what defines it is death.
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Re: Life
Post # 28
Life is filth..suffering..horride and vile thing..lot of filths..

Thats is life to me.
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Re: Life
Post # 29
Life is a mystery.
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Re: Life
Post # 30
Life is to live (making it through the best way we can) & die.
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Re: Life
Post # 31
your tombstone reads born date - death date. make that dash as spectacular as possible because that is life
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