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Re: satan
Post # 24
Well first thing first how do you know the truth of ATlantis out of curiosity? but the intioal question is on this thredad is satan bad. No and yes it depends on what you believe is right and wrong . and if you know the truth of Atlantis I'd be willing to hear your story about it.
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Re: satan
Post # 25
Landoverbaptist.. is a satire thing.. or is at least, who's forums is
Atlantis is real in the astral planes, which you can reach through astral projection... which may take up to two years to even have your first concious experience...

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Re: satan
Post # 26
We could start a petition to get all believers of all faiths to come together as one and to stop arguing over who's right and who's wrong. I'm a member of It's an online community that allows people to make petitions. I can start one if you all want to go there and sign it. Or would you prefer if I didn't?
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Re: satan
Post # 27
sure but idk how it'll work out though.
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Re: satan
Post # 28
Take care.. you might be assasinated..
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Re: satan
Post # 29
If only a petition would work. You could put one in place but its not going to stop everyone from turning into arugments from debating as that what is usually the result, even in government.

And thankyou for making me chuckle Sir. You always were good at that.
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Re: satan
Post # 30
Well, my username on that site is Stefany. So, if you wish to sign it, you may do so. Just find that petition by me. It won't be hard to find because I've made only two petitions.
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Re: satan
Post # 31
I am sick of this, but ah well.
The one we call Satanael (most abbreivate it to just "Satan") was originally called Samael. Samael was a great God (Archangel for you Bible-belts;) and very friendly with the Creator. Upon the Creation of mortals, the Creator and Samael realised that, as mortals were not born as aware as Gods, they needed to be taught, as to fully appreciate life. Samael decided he would be the one to do this, he created a system of the after life, reincarnation and Hell. [Hell evil? That is highly amusing, Hell is where some certain Souls go to learn from there mistakes-no torture goes on in Hell. Hell is like an equivalent of a "rehab centre"] . So Samael "fell" from the Heavens, from Paradise, to help those beings currently lesser than he. It is said that in light of his new position, he changed his name to Satanael.
That is one interpretation of the events, as with all things Godly the actual entities and events are too large to fit into a human mind and thus they must have our brand of order marshalled onto them ("dumbed down") so we can begin to understand them.
Or just consider the logic. A great Creator (who a fair few believe is "good") exists with infinite power. Why would such a being allow an injust, cruel entity to exist? It doesn't-there is no evil Devil bogeyman responsible for all of humanities crimes, humans are perfectly capable of evil on their lonesome and the Devil is a being dedicated to help such beings on their path to enlightenment.
I hope I have cleared some things up:)
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Re: satan
Post # 32
thats true all those cristians say that magic is satanic but it isnt. magick is to help people and some of the spells are for self defence if neede to killa demon or any evil things. dont belive what they say that magick is satanic it isnt.
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Re: satan
Post # 33
perspnally I think satin was made up by controlling priests.But then thats my opinion.
The Bible also says God helps those who help themselves.If we are using majick to help ourselves are we not doing what God said in that statement? HEHEHE....
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