Making a spell

CovenBaron La Croix ► Making a spell
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Re: Making a spell
Post # 25
I dont know about snot I have never been opposed to picking my nose but I dont know if i would want to whipe it on a candle

Re: Making a spell
Post # 26
lmao, tats weird, but a good way to use ur boggers for a good cause

Re: Making a spell
Post # 27
U can also use nail clippings and under arm sweat! I always do that! Did u know under arm sweat is seen as medicine by the San people!G

Re: Making a spell
Post # 28
Ok another way I like to go about writing spells, is to make a spiritual plan. I make a list of everything I'm trying to accomplish. This works great if it is really a complex situation. Then once starting to write, I form a rough draft of the spell,and then cut it down to a fine point, BUT also making the spell straight to the point. I once read "if you ask the universe for a companion and end up with a dog, its simply because you didn't put the spell to a specific point". So very true...I've experienced something very similar. Another thing is, sometimes its cool just to write a spell of just when you have a certain thought in your I'll watch X-Men and want to control the weather ,like my fav X-Men storm! And finally, just remember to just have fun! Spell work is only as difficult as you make remember to have fun with it,and then fall back and wait for the results! That's the end of my input for the day! Lol

Re: Making a spell
Post # 29
Writing your own spells is the best way to go. Sometimes it's an easy task, sometimes not. I very careful, be very specific on your wording. ( karma is a cruel thing sometimes) It is better to rhyme, but I have in the past written some that have not ryhmed, and were just as effective.
I also agree on the preperation....gather all the items you may need first. Remember anything taken from the earth, leave an offering ( i use tobacco) it shows respect.
And remember to ground, center and shield your energy b4 any working. Energy drains can be rough on the body and spirit.
(I know this from personal experience.)
I know these next few things were mentioned b4 but, moon phase, days of the week, colors, etc are important.
I also do some workings with herbs, crystals and stones, that correspond with the spell.

On a more personal note, I have 3 quartz crystals that I grid myself with when I cast, and certain stones that I keep with me as well. (this is just what I do that works for me)

Re: Making a spell
Post # 30
Ok I know this post if for making spells ,but seeing as I had an incident tonight with one of my spells ; I thought this might be important. The one thing I always heard was that if you stumble during a spell you have to start all over again...SO NOT TRUE! I only agree,with this saying when you stumble and can not get your focus back. Again, spells are meant to be fun,and while casting one you should remain focused, BUT should in the event you stumble during an incantation its not the end of the world , KEEP GOING! If a candle burns out, RE-LIGHT IT! Remain extrememly calm and just keep going on with your work, because in my opinion the first time is always the best! : )

Re: Making a spell
By: / Beginner
Post # 31
Lol im glad everyone is understanding the working of spells.

Re: Making a spell
Post # 32
would you beable to use ribs like pigs ribs for anything......j/w

Re: Making a spell
Post # 33
Bones can be used for many purposes depending on the animal, also can be used for channeling death energy.

Re: Making a spell
By: / Beginner
Post # 34
I would rather use the bones of a animal i have eaten, in this case i would already be familiar to those bones and they would be easier for me to channel energy upon, if the situation requires it.

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