Hello David.. and everyone else here. Well, to be honest I'm not quite sure I'm an empath. See, I can feel other peoples emotions to the point where I can't stand next to someone stressed, without feeling stressed myself and not knowing why. this can extend to being able to sense when someone has smoked, or cried.. etc. It's something that I can't really turn off, and after a while, it wears me out. .. even if i could turn this ability.. " off" I'm not sure if it would affect my tarot card reading...
Far as I know though, this can't extend to me being able to absorb other people's pains, and thus heal them. wish it did though..
I can however, easily read other people;(who they really are, what they want ) including those who i havent known for very long. Does that make me an empath? not sure, but.. Since I seem to coincide with many of these abilities, thought I'd go ahead and reply to this thread. .. and if im not an empath, i am dearly sorry for wasting anyones time. thank you. ^^
I am an Empath.
Ever since I was little, I could sense others feelings.
I can tell if someone is lying to me by just looking into his or her eyes.
Oh and also I have this "ability" that makes most animals be friendly towards me.
There's no reason to freak out. It is a gift that may be hard to live with, but is very useful to have. Not everybody has this ability so cherish it and learn to use it. I promise it will help you out one day.
But if you ever do manage to get a collective group of empaths together i recommend having a group focus such as a large amethyst or citrine crystal. These things will not only amplify your collective powers along with the sheer multiplicity of so many empaths, but by having everyone focus on such a stone and through it connect to others it can ensure purity of thought and emotion as well as helping heal and clear negative emotions and feelings from group mates.
i dont know what i am its been suggested that im n empath but my issue is not with that part ive always been over sensitive...as long as i can remember i always know when someone i know has died or i terminally ill or incarcerated its like i can feel them snuffed out but i always have a dream or an uncontainable urge to find someone out of the blue and im always right sometimes im late but not very often i yes i can see thru people and feel them and i cn feel energies... so am i ??? like i said the dreams of my loved ones dying or waking with that feeling of please dont be true.... i just wanna know what it is.. ive been reading tarot and practicing energy controll for over a decade and this baffles me ...
I'm an empath. I think a coven would be interesting, but the chat would hardly be used, :D. I'm always available through mail if anybody wants advice on this subject.
Blessed, We.
P.S. Anyone can develop this skill.
I am an Empath. I've been an Empath since I was little. I can feel what others feel, and sometimes I can read people of my own accord. But generally it's an involuntary gift. I have always been able to feel what other people felt; their desires, hopes, dreams, even their fears and secrets. I have become a lot more sensitive over the years to others around me. And I know that my gift will only continue to grow and expand in power.