My poems ^-^

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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 29
can i post some poetry as well? I am not that good, so bear with it

Look around
the sun is set in the ground
the moon comes from the solar haze
to greet that time of end of days
glowing white upon the heavens
the darkness it rends
and lights like faeries follow
into the space so hollow
now is the dancing
now is the singing
Celebration throughout the night
never to stop until mornings light
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 30
All these poems are great! I write poems to express the inner thoughts and feelings of myself; it's like the imagery being in detail and said through a literary form. Well, something like that... X3
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 31
YAY for poetry!!!!!!!!

poetry is grand
its rhymes makes me so HAPPY
poetry is fun

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAY FOR HAIKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 32
X3 yup ^^
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 33
I used to write and I did really start to enjoy from the third one on. Somewhere along the line it all died on me but hey maybe on day it will return.
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 34
nice those poems are awsome i made a poem but i dont fell like adding it to my site
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 35
Thanx ^^
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 36
THESE ARE GREAT O_O I wish i could rite like u
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 37
Thats really Nice
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Re: My poems ^-^
Post # 38
Ty you guys^^
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