Two Truths and a Lie

CovenNatural Magick ► Two Truths and a Lie
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Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 291

Yeah, you got it! I chugged three bottles of the stuff and felt nothing then threw it up a few hours later. It taste bad to begin with so it was hard to swallow down but even worse coming back up. The adult in me is sad alchol does not effect me as much as it used to anymore. The girly girl in me is sad it is hard to find stuff that taste good and is effective but thankfully I have pretty recently. Anyways, your turn!

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 292

I am so scared you adore epic rap battles because so do i!:D

I'm all out of ideas! You can go next or anyone can! :)

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 293

I don't want to be a greedy turn hog but I do want to keep this thread bumped.

1.) Milk is one of my favorite things to drink.

2.) I love shopping.

3.) I aspire to be a polyandrist.

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 294

Is number one the lie? :)

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 295

.....I, how did you even guess that? I mean it's right, but I figured the others sounded more outrageous/abnormal by comparison lol. You have bested me good sir. I tip my hat to thee. xD Milk makes my throat all gunky and the taste isn't too great either so I only have it on rare occasion and need to drink something afterwards preferably acidic to get the gunk out. >_>;

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 296

I kinda like milk and kinda not. The only way I will drink it if I had cookies to go with it! :) Lol! My guessing game is becoming stronger! :D

My turn!

  • I'm thinking about dying my hair blue
  • I love seafood
  • I love making my own candles!

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 297


Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 298

Correct! I don't know how to make my own candles so I can't really say I love it!

I am thinking about dying my hair blue or another color it's always scary since you don't know how you would look.

Your turn! :)

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 299

1.) Heavy eyeshadow is a make up classic for me.

2.) I had a pet ferret when I was fourteen.

3.) I love wearing pjs in public.

Re: Two Truths and a Lie
Post # 300

I would say the lie is number one. I hope I'm right! :D

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