the powers of balance

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Re: the powers of balance
Post # 4
the key is to find the balance within yourself... find that peace and calm and solidity of your own inner workings and once you have found it... work hard every day to teach others for the rest of your life... each person is unique and there is no quick fix or solution in a bottle... there is only the chance that you may get to meet a person... get to know who they truly are inside and then help them find their own balance... in return... they then spend their whole lives doing the same... it is in this way... we may hope to see an actual change in our time still... this is my life goal... nothing else matters to me... by helping others find balance, the balance within myself is questioned and tested every day... and so it becomes more stable.
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Re: the powers of balance
Post # 5
attain balance within and it will emanate forth outward into all aspects of your life and to those you encounter
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Re: the powers of balance
Post # 6
I trust that only in true void,the true emptiness we may find peace ..

The realm of true dharma is within that emptiness..

When all illusions are broken and we are free

In a way we could not understand till we experience it..

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Re: the powers of balance
Post # 7
exactly nex... which is why all people deserve to experience it... two words... ego death... ;D
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Re: the powers of balance
Post # 8
death is the key to the begining of truth for without illusion there is no struggle there for balance is obtained giveing birth to perfection
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Re: the powers of balance
Post # 9
but yet it not time for or death it is only time for us to realize who we are and what we can do with the gifts we have been given
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Re: the powers of balance
Post # 10
I believe it is easier to find balance in life (or death) when you know which element you belong to. Relating to the pentagram, there are five elements in the universe (though i believe there are six elements. the pentagram doesn't take Void in consideration.) : Spirit, Water, Fire, Earth and Wind. I belong to water therefore a "spot" in y soul is filled, giving me something to move around, something to put where ever there is a need for something to restore balance. It helps though it doesn't give you complete balance. I also agree with a couple of you people and believe that balance is easier to reach when you help others reach there own balance. I recommend "Man's Search for Meaning" by Victor F.(or "E." can't remember) Frankl. this book talks about how easier it is to live when you have something to live for...
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Re: the powers of balance
Post # 11
It is true balance is the truth of the essence (or at anyrate it keeps folks from being bored..)
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Re: the powers of balance
Post # 12
yes. i am one of those who are destined to keep the balance. just as selorian is.
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Re: the powers of balance
Post # 13
as am I... at least until i figure out how to get 'home' again... As i was told "Your job is not just to keep the balance but also to keep these [triad worlds] out of statsis and to keep the flow going"
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