Well i said almost everything because I don't want to teach curses and other stuff that will harm poeple, I'm sorry that I wasnt perfectly clear and I will change it
Fine I will delete the coven I was just wanted to make a coven where you could learn what your interested in and not have to switch around all of the time. And when you always say why do you make one one why not just join one that has the same basics it's because do you know how hard it is to get into some of these covens, I've tried to get into second sight like 10 times, I've only gotten into ones that were new and I was in council of nephtian and aesir sunset but I learned nothing form them, so I'm sorry for trying to make a coven where people could get into easily and could learn what they want to all in the same coven. But since you don't think that its qualified then I'll delete it and you can bother someone else about whats wrong with their covens. So thanks, I'll just join another coven and then maybe when you say I'm qualified I can start my coven(and in case you couldnt tell I was being sarcastic for a lot of that)But I will delete my coven(and sorry if I came off as mean but I just wanted to help people that were like me, and didn't wan tto try and get into a new coven everytime they want to learn about something new and tehn get rejected and are then in no coven and are learning nothing)(half of them though say a ton of stuff in the descriptions then once I get in there none of it is true and there is no point to being in that coven, so I wanted on that was actuall truthful about what was in the description but again I'm Sorry(seriously this time, though) that your not happy with it and I will learn more then maybe start a coven when I'm more experienced.
littlewizard,I admire your desire,but I have to question your ability,and also your sanity.Youve had 10 deas for covens in the last week alone,If you would like to have a coven,thats fine,
You do however need to be sure of what you want first.If you would like to join with us,Show what you know and are able to teach,then maybe take a position of council,that would be a great place to start.
Right now myself with some others ,dont have any idea what your able to teach ,or even what you want..Peace
I have been a council member before and I'm sorry that I want a coven that is easy to get into and that will actually help people and i've had three ideas, but whatever I"m deleting the coven right now so it doesn't even matter anymore
There I messaged Pet about deleting the coven and changed the description to say that its not open to anyone because its being deleted, so YOUR WELCLCOME
I know that your coven actually helps people, but some don't like when I started out I was in teen witches and that was no help at all they taught me nothing then in the broom closet I learned a lot from the members and became a council member and I was the preist for a while, and its just that I if I really want to get into a certain kind of coven it is impossible to get into, and theyre the ones that actually help. But thank you I have decided that I am going to start completely over and leran from the beginning, then once I am more experienced I might go through with this coven, so thanks