"I am sorry but I hate the instante coven it is causing a lot of covens to lose members. To make stuped covens (not all but a few) well can we either let Pet make thaings go back how they use to be or let us just stop saying that coven is stuped. NOTE: do not just leave your coven because you want one make one if you are un-happy with your coven or thaire is no coven for you...
end quote "
I can't believe your calling everyone else's try at having a coven " instant covens ,( some of them are frivoulos ) what was yours may I ask ? you sound like a hypocrite ... and one more thing you have someone that knows what she is doing so that is the only reason you still have one ... so please someone who calls himself Priest should do the honorable thing and not contradict himself . You have to learn when you need to speak up and when to stay mute ;-)
Yes I know pan a lot are good but a few people who have covens do not know what they are talking about. A few I love them, so please "It is better to keep silent then let the whole world you are a fool". I know that quote but I do know what i am talking about it. So I will say it.
Oh boy not one word misspelled , who wrote this ? you ?
I still say , you can't blame the instant covens because your members are leaving , if they were happy they wouldn't leave in the first place , second , yours is a instant coven also .. is it not ? was it made special ?
The opportunity is there for anyone to create a coven ,( if they know what they are doing ) more importantly is how can you keep it , and you can't blame others for trying .
All I am saying is that most of them are a wasted space and bandwidth and some will most likely fail , why ? because of immaturity .
A few did not have a coven or where un-happy with the coven. I will understand but to make a coven while you are happy with it and make one. To me that makes no since but that is why a lot of people left spell casters.
I would have left spell casters too ... have you seen that site ? Sorry but I can't blame people for that , and believe this , people will leave if they are happy or not some will leave to learn something new and exciting that they havent learned in their prior coven ..But do you think that most will stick with one coven forever ? your mistaken ..
Just wish everyone the best and let it be at that and if some of the covens don't make it and I am sure they can do well in some of the established covens , they can also teach one of their specialties ..