new member

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Re: new member
Post # 4
yea sometimes do i need to do it more?just woundering?i dnt know if iam doing it right though lol?
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Re: new member
Post # 5
It is mandatory to learn and experience energy, focus it and channel it.
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Re: new member
Post # 6
so i should meditate 1st how long should i do it 4?
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Re: new member
Post # 7
According to your comfort. Your first objective through meditation (beginners) should be to relax your mind, body and soul, free tense parts of the body.
Your second objective through meditation should be learn to "Breath" ....(breathing exercises)
Your third objective through med. should be to concentrate, focus, clear your mind, Visualize!
Your main objective should be to create, feel and channel Energy of your body/Aura.
This will take some time...Go step by step.
Timing is as per to your comfort...start slow...Once you see and feel the effects you will automatically increase the duration.
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Re: new member
Post # 8
alright thank u iam ganna try it out tonihgt..!i did a beocme stornger spell yesterday iam still not sure if it work?i did it right cuz i read the instrucions.?um iam just not sure it work?
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Re: new member
Post # 9
i think you should just meditate as much as you feel neccessary
dont force yourself to do it, do it wen u want to do it
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Re: new member
Post # 10 all about visualization...i am a novelist, and to be a successful novelist, u must have good visualization skills. i personally think i have mastered those skills...there is only one problem that i havent found out it a bad thing if u project ur vision in anime!? look i know it sounds weird lol but i just cant sustain a vision with real life projection! using anime projection, i can sustain and build up my vision so much easier! plz tell me if this is a mistake. thx
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Re: new member
Post # 11
hey thankx u 4 the advise .hey should i make a book like to write down stuff?
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Re: new member
Post # 12
Perhaps whatever suits you best. Remember a key element to success in this field is not only visualisation, but will. Whatever strengthens your belief in success you should do, even if it means altering a spell. Make everything your own. Specialise it. But most importantly, believe in it.

Hi, I'm Tex and have just started here. This is my first post. I don't want to rate myself as advanced, beginner or novice for fear of overrating myself. I'm sure I'll enjoy my time here and am eager to hear and discuss experiences.
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Re: new member
Post # 13
alright u thkxz 4 all of ur advice lol..!funny but yup i got this spell 4rm a sight its called my magical diary i did it..! it waz kool ...iam doing stuuf with it right now ..i like it
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