Past life

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Re: Past life
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
That's understandable, but on the same note, why does astrology fit so well? I referred this link because it held relevance to me and my current likes/attributes.. If you want insight on making a spirit journey, I would search for a experienced Shaman, they do those types of quests. Be blessed.
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Re: Past life
Post # 5
I think you should consider the feelings associated with the visions of your past life.
For example, I always felt like I was at one point born in 1800s, but just like you, I didn't know if it was my imagination. But there were certain sensations that I felt that I had no way of knowing, like what it feels like to wear a corset (even though before that I never wore one), i knew certain things about the time period, that I had no way of knowing, which led me to do research and to find out if I'm right. Things like that.
Also, you retain certain "abilities". For example, I knew how to do dance like the flappers in the '20s, without ever trying before, which led me to remember things from my past life as a flapper.
Those little things are how you can differentiate between your imagination and if it really happened.
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Re: Past life
Post # 6
i see some images triggering corresponding to my past life and some sounds also but that is only when i meditate,

try meditating on it, it might just work.

i know a few people who have seen their past life as a dream while they are meditating.
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Re: Past life
By: / Beginner
Post # 7

Thanks everyone

Well I did try to meditate on it of course, and I saw something, but I can't tell if it's real or I made it up.

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Re: Past life
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
You always can go for hypnotherapy if you can afford it .If you can not there are books on the subject that you can find free in google books as preview ,and put yourself in hypnosis backward in time .That of course will still leave you the choice to decide is ir real or was it just extremly creative imagination of yours that felt real .

I recommend also reading the book Past Lives ,Present Miracles by Denise Linn .
This book has been put on my way in very weird circumstances .I was on crossroad to decide either what i always experienced is real or it is not .I was walking randomly on the streets when i saw a man who was selling discounted books !Since i so much love books i always check for bargains when it comes to book on certain topics .And there was the book the only one in any spiritual topic in perfect condition ,waiting for me to pick it up .I read it in one breath and it valided and explained all for me .She (Denise Linn )gives you all common sympthoms that you would experience if you had one .
She gives you inner voyage meditation which you can use to regress yourself .It will be better if you record your voice speaking in calm and soft way and explaining all that you need to do and imagine .
You need to keep in mind that you may experience your own death or certain traumatic experiences so you need to have the will to distance emotionally yourself from experiencing that .Something which the therapist uselly does for you while being regressed .
Not all memories are pleasent ,which is why we have our memory sort of deleted ,but some people menage to resque bits and peaces if they have been and are more spiritual .
I am still about to go for hypnotherapy ,but i want to study that anyway .
However i have made my choice i know i have been here before .Now it is up to you to go down this road to explore and to make your own choice .I will send you links for these google books via mail .Good luck .:)
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Re: Past life
Post # 9
When I'm not sure if something is legitimate or my imagination I will often turn to divination first. I find the act of meditating too similar to past-life regression. If you successfully lied to yourself in the one, you'll probably lie to yourself in the other. I therefore look for something external, and divination is ways available.

I will often read tarot for the life or vision in question. Exactly what spread I use depends on exactly what I need to know. If I had only a tiny snippet of memory I would likely use a very simple, possibly one-card spread. If I know about the life in a broader, less specific sense I would use a more complex spread like an astrological spread.

Whenever possible I will also seek the insight of other magicians I know to be psychically sensitive. My second-to-last life has been confirmed by two other magicians. Neither knew what my own past-life regression had told me and there is nothing in my current life which would suggest that particular past life; the likelihood of them independently making up the exact same thing is pretty small, and so I can feel rather assured that this particular past-life regression has truth.
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Re: Past life
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
Chiron i agree that it is good if your experience is confirmed by independat and not bias practioners .And divination may be in use .But i strongly disagree that you lie to yourself subconsciouslly . Saying lies is part of your mind ,which came up with strategies for survival .Sobconsciously we never lie we forget or block the memories .For example using your body langauge you always say the truth and that is part of your subconscious work ,also reading other people body language .Under hypnosis you will always say the truth .Same is valid for sleepwalking state and when we talk in our sleep .I have conducted few experiment with my boyfriend if he starts talking in his dream i ask him questions ,he answers and it is all truth ,even if he never wanted to tell me that lol .

The only people who fake their body langauge are professional actiors and they have studied and practiced to be conscious about it and to change it so they can get into the role (The Persona part kicks in ).What they do is they use affirmation to change the way they think of themselves and express themselves ,however this process start in the mind and only then is transferred in more deep levels .Process take time practice and constant reaffirming of the new role ,which is required to be played .Changing the stage around you also help you to attune in the role .Which is why when we try to do magical work we need to get out of our normal role and get into special state ,dressing specially and using special tools .In short mind is bias ,subconscious is not .Which is why we all connect into the collective subcosncious ,because there mind and our ego can not kick in being bias and standing for themselves for survival .
I hope that make sense for you ,because the topic is endless i am trying to make short cut to explain to you with few words ,because i do not want to write a book in here lol .
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Re: Past life
Post # 11
I did not mean to suggest that the subconscious would lie, but rather that you would lie to yourself about receiving some subconscious message, just as you may have lied to yourself by conjuring some false past life. The mind is frightfully good at lying to itself, as it turns out.
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Re: Past life
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12
Yes the mind can lie to itself for various reasons ,aslo many people delude themselves by will with certain aim .But why would you conjure past life in yourself especially if that is painful expereince ?You certainly do not want to inflict on yourself mental traumas or phobias not logically at least .The interesting thing about past life is that people remember mostly the bad things happened they also develop very weird phobias ,which are not logical at all .For example there are a cases when a person developed tremendous unlogical fear of heavy curtains .There is no logical explanation why would someone imagine and inflict to himself such a fear from so mundane thing that it causes anxiety attack .However when the subject went under hypnosis she remembered that she got stabbed in her sleep and then wrapped still alive in curtain and then her body disposed .There is no logical reason why we would imagine and affirm to ourselves phobia or mental trauma .Also people tend not to be able to undertstand why is that fear there ,since logically you are not ment to fear water to the state that you refuse to drink it .In short there is serious underlying issue and you can not dedect what triggered it or the cause of it .
Keep in mind that when in hypnosis we use the more old part of our brain ,which is very adaptable and allows us to adapt fast in order to survive .Why would you make yourself less able to survive and adapt by imagining a situation which result in phobia and mental issues ?The state itself teach you to unlearn the old bad habits and to learn new habits which are good for you .It is very emotional state and subconsciouslly or logically you do not want to experience bad emotions and pain .The reason why we experience negative emotions and pain is because our body or mind tells us there is underlying issue going on .Why would I choose to torture myself by imagining bad things ?
That is a question i asked myself over and over again .I could not find an answer i had no other choice but to except that my pain and fear come from past life ,depsite i am very practical person .It took me a lot to come to terms between my emotional side and by my practical side .Saying to yourself that you are imagining bad things in order to torture yourself is not going to heal you in any way or help you in any way .What is going to help you is to discover what is the issue and deal with it accordingly .
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Re: Past life
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13
Hm i just realized that let say we went into alpha (hypnosis ) state and we affrmed or suggested to ourselves something let say false memories for past lives ,the affirmation will stay there only for few days before wearing off and then your subconscious will assume its normal working around the clock way .Except if we do not keep reaffirming the same false memory again and again every few days to achieve constant effect .Which i doubt all this people with phobias do everyday .
Which is why we keep doing relaxation and visualization techniques if we want effect in long run .Doing just once visualization or relaxation will not cause profound effects for very long time .However when we work with hypnosis once we discover the source of the issue we can deal with it .
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