Why Ancient?

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Re: Why Ancient?
Post # 4
I think that the problem is a bit more complicated.

Paracetamol does it much better, well, but the abuse damages the livers. A meditation in some cases could be better. Only as an example.

Wicca is about an impersonal god and goddess. But, if a people really want a help for an supernatural being, so they must call a specific. And about specific beings are old mythologies for example.
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Re: Why Ancient?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
Lumpino, abuse, and excessive use, of any medicine is harmful. Even Herbal remedies!
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Re: Why Ancient?
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Interesting question. I have always been interested with Egyptian history, but I didn't try working with one of the gods until many years into my path. For me, I see it less as 'they did it so it's true' and more 'I feel a strong pull in this direction'. Spells wise, I've noticed newer people to the path want to find an ancient spell over a new one, I guess in their mind an old spell works, while new ones aren't as powerful.

I have met those who only use herbs and home remedies instead of vaccinations and medication because of the 'dangers'. I won't say every person will be fine if they take a drug, but the rate of success is much higher than the old medications. [Like leeches to cure what ails you] I'm 50/50 on the topic, I would vaccinate my kids, but a soar throat can be fixed with a hot honey and lemon. [It depends on the severity I suppose.]
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Re: Why Ancient?
Post # 7
Often it is not about a spell. Spells have the same power old like modern. There is another problem. Ancient gods are real beings. And modern Wicca often invoking an indefinite god and goddess.
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Re: Why Ancient?
Post # 8
As someone who does believe and incorporates many "Ancient" ways into my life, I cam say I know where to draw the line. I don't cut my hair for example, but I do use proper hygiene.

I think everything is good in moderation and you don't go over board
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Re: Why Ancient?
Post # 9
Ancient gods and goddesses have not been proven to be real beings that is a belief. I choose to keep the middle ground- I can not prove they are not just subconscious manifestations.

Wiccans sometimes do work with individual gods and goddesses, it is a matter of their own tradition and personal preference. The god and goddess is a soft polytheistic way of looking at the metaphsical world, I think your comments are unfounded and quite frankly unproven.

If a wiccan has belief in 'the goddess' there is no reason their 'magic' will fail. Chaos magicians have got results by creatings gods and goddesses with fake names and backstories- they aren't real beings.
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Re: Why Ancient?
Post # 10
There is an experiment. Using a Name for summoning a being.
This way is somtime used by Hindu bhaktiyogis for example. To achieve visible manifestation of a deity.
But everybody could used this way.
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Re: Why Ancient?
By: / Novice
Post # 11
If it's NOT ancient, then it's too easy to tell people that they just made it up.

Pop-culture Pagans and chaotes get that a lot.

Even modern religions based purely on personal gnosis, such as with the Otherfaith.

Of course, it could be that such an ancient religion was just made up from the beginning and people just stuck with it for a long time for no reason, but there remains some sense of authority in ancientness.
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Re: Why Ancient?
Post # 12

Many beliefs are generally believed "because they are ancient" because the individual has chosen to believe in them. This is done for that person's own reasons.

For instance, I might pray to Selene when I see a beautiful moonlight night, because I believe she does exist in some fashion. Whether that be as a deity, as a thoughtform/godform, an archetype, or as anything else doesn't matter so much to me as that I have chosen to believe she does exist.

But believing Selene exists has nothing to do with understanding all there is to know about the moon nor does it have anything to do with walking on the moon. If Selene indicates she feels that either can be used to worship/honor then so be it.

But an eye should always be kept on the past and how things were done before because without a foundation you have no building.

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Re: Why Ancient?
By: / Beginner
Post # 13
Very true. Most "modern" pagans think that just because it is ancient it is gospel. They must remember that witchcraft is the predecessor to modern science and medicine and should respect the advances that they have made. The craft merely offers alternatives.
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