shape shifting

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Re: shape shifting
Post # 4
It is most certainly possible to shape shift. It is a skill that lay outside the boundaries of arcane lore though. When you deal with shape shifting, you deny the intransmutable laws of physics. If you wish to succeed at this endevour, I urge you to consider the following. Study anatomy of both the human, and the desired form you would take. Knowing is the firstr step in doing. Second, go to a library, I mean a big library, and find the book "Principles of Shamanism" by Leo Rutherford. It should provide an understanding into the bond between living creatures and the knowhow to speed you along your way.
However, no, you cannot transmute matter by chanting a few words :)
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Re: shape shifting
Post # 5
Try speaking with one of the 72 spirits of the Goetia
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Re: shape shifting
Post # 6
shape shifting is possible, and yea wat was said before is true, most people only practice low magick.....shape shifting needs the spirit to posse you and today it is difficult to physically change in the physical world, but in astral it is much easier physically...although in the physical world, abilites of creatures can be formed in our body, i myself can do many things, one of which is jump large distances and land high distances, i have jumped from 30 ft high to the ground...without breaking any bones.....
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Re: shape shifting
Post # 7
It hear is a spell "I transform, I adapt
The power's mine
I can act
Brilliantly in every role
That is required to be whole"
picture the animal or thing you want to be while saying this
takes 24 houers to work
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Re: shape shifting
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
You can have arcane magic knowlege, however this will not allow you to practice it. The world has lost faith in the old forms of magic. Since very few have praticed and worshiped over the last couple of thousand years we have lost the ability to do a lot of things magically. It will take many years for "higher" magic to be allowed in this world again. I believe shape shifting in the way you are talking about is one of them. It is possable but not probable at this time.
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Re: shape shifting
Post # 9
you are rong shape shifting is a common practes you can go into a darkroom with a mear or you can ues the spell I just gave
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Re: shape shifting
Post # 10
I agree with post number 8. High magick isn't popular in this generation.
As for the person who mentioned the goeita. And I qoute the demon is Marbas
And seal is not easly made. Unles u have acess to gold. Its not easy. While most of the demons in that book offer great things its diffcult to get them to come
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Re: shape shifting
Post # 11
dose anyone know what is shamanism?
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Re: shape shifting
Post # 12
Shamanisim is acomplex pattern of diverse rites and beliefs, shamanism is a tribal religion in societies without a literary tradition,Most commonly thought of as Native American ,but can also apply to other places as well.When the term is used today it is generally thought of as the Magick done by Native Shamans, Healing is one function of the shaman and one of the most important along with prophecy. The shaman also uses magick or mystical powers to journey to other worlds,and comune with spirits ,Guides or Totems.At times this may also include Shape shifting,,but as it was said before,the amount of learning ,and the Huge amount of faith that this requires,makes it somthing that few can really acomplish today.In large part this is done in order to bring about a balance between the physical and spiritual worldsThis balance is thought to be critical to prosper and thrive in most Native cultures.
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Re: shape shifting
Post # 13
Unless ofcourse you're under the affect of Abramelin.
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