Wind spell request

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Re: Wind spell request
Post # 4
Does anyone have a shorter spell then that, If not I will try to use my mind for spells, I am doing meditation at the moment!
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Re: Wind spell request
Post # 5
shorter what the hell is with the people saying i what a shorter one! look it does not matter if it is small or huge. the small is like 1-4 mins lone. the huge is like 5-somewhat mins lone. so bare with me here ok
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Re: Wind spell request
Post # 6
O.k O.k it's just I don't think I could remember one as long as that, thanks for putting it on here though!
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Re: Wind spell request
Post # 7
if you want i can give u all a little small spell

Air Four-Seven
A flying spell that originated in the Dutch countryside, this is a simple, but ancient air spell for traveling, sending, and receiving thoughts and wishes.
You will need a feather; any feather will do.
Sit under a large tree, in a quiet spot, on the ground or in a chair; time of day is inconsequential.
Holding the feather with both hands, place your hands in your lap and cross your legs at your ankles. Relax and imagine you are a bird, that you were caught in a terrible rainstorm, and that you are now in a strong tree, sheltered from the storm, a place of quiet refuge. Imagine that you are waiting for the rain to stop so that you may continue with your flight. In your mind, you are planning your route and what you will carry with you. You are warm and peaceful.
Imagine that you, as the bird, are the feather. Holding the feather in your hands, you are now also providing the refuge. You are now the tree and the bird. Your thoughts are now in complete harmony and as the tree, the giver of shelter and protection, you are able to convey your wishes to the bird, the carrier of you and your thoughts and wishes.
In your mind, speak to the bird and convey exactly, in detail, what it is, exactly, where you want the bird to travel and what it is you wish the bird to carry. The bird will understand, as the bird is also you.
Once your wishes have been conveyed, take the feather to the tree and place it anywhere on the tree, as long as you place it above ground. In your mind, as the tree, wish the bird a successful flight.
Leave. Concern yourself no longer with the feather, it is but a feather left behind by the bird, the bird that carries your wishes, and is on its way.

it looked small from the page lol
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Re: Wind spell request
Post # 8
THat should be easier to remember, thank you very much, this is much appreaciated!
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Re: Wind spell request
Post # 9
i know to many wind spells :D
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Re: Wind spell request
Post # 10
I have a wind spell but first let me say this you all should know this before i begin my name is emmanuel and if you want my myspace it's any way's let's begin

ok you first need to know that magick isn't like hollywood magick real magick takes it's time so just to get that out of the way and to the guy or girl who wrote those long wind spell's this not a war so I don't know who your fighting but those spell's is like someone trying to defend an army

but anyway's here is a much, much, much shorter spell for wind

Wind's of thy earth I command you to rise. repeat until desired effect happens remeber it with your belief and you visualization you also have to be able to consentrate and know that your magick will happen ok ?well ttyl peace out....
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Re: Wind spell request
Post # 11
is there a spell that can make you light as the wind?
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Re: Wind spell request
Post # 12
Wow, loads of people prefer enchantment spells (spells where you just chant stuff) rather than shadow spells (spells that require rituals).
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Re: Wind spell request
Post # 13
One I use just requires a focus of will and a strong firm voice. This one personally works really well for me, though it tends to come in bursts. A word of wisdom, do not repeat it right away if it doesn't seem to catch immediatly..It sometimes takes a couple hours to take hold, but you will know it when it does, beleive me.

Anyways, once you focus on the wind around you and what it is to be the element air say in a forceful firm tone:

Come hither Sir
Come hither my Lord
Let down your locks so long and flowing.

Chant a few times until you feel it takes hold then end with a So Mote it Be and wait. I've also modified this spell to carry messages and protections so it's quite versitile.
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