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Re: Elements????
Post # 31
thanks for that info reborn.
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Re: Elements????
Post # 32
hay mine is Aries and it said that is fire but I can control air and lightning but not fire how is this possible
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Re: Elements????
Post # 33
You can not control any element.
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Re: Elements????
Post # 34
The element of the astrological sign is not anything to do with the literal physical representation of that element. Rather, the physical representation has to do with characteristics of the non-physical traits which are named after the element, for the sake of simplicity.

Also remember that there is a lot more to one's astrological profile than just the sun sign. The sun moves through all twelve signs of the Zodiac (sticking to the most common system; yes, I know there are some very interesting variances out there!) throughout the year. This sign is believed to represent the core of the person.

The moon sign -- the moon moves through the circle of the Zodiac through the month -- represents how the person represents themselves emotionally, and aspects of the inner self.

The rising sign -- that which is coming above the horizon at the time of birth -- is meant to represent how the person presents themselves to the world. That is, the rising sign is the outward appearance and behavior of the person, modified by their sun sign.

The twelve houses -- whether using whole-sign houses or the Placidus system being the most common -- are determined by the rising sign. From there, the placement of the planets, and their angles to each other, are used to divine the rest of the chart.

To bring things back to the topic, one's sun sign has little to do with the totality of a person's 'element.' There are aspects of several signs and elements throughout a person's chart, and the broader ideas of each element is only there to give an idea of a way a person expresses an aspect of their life. It has basically nothing to do with actual air, water, fire, or earth.
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Re: Elements????
Post # 35
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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